The EU Civilian Mission Commander visits CoESPU

(To Greater Defense)

​Dr. Stefano Tomat, commander of the civilian missions of the European Union of the European External Action Service, accompanied by Dr. Victor Tarella, deputy head of division in the European Union Operational Headquarters for Civilian Missions, and by dr. Edoardo Manfredini, head of sector Europe in the planning and conduct of operations division at the civilian planning and conduct capability, visited CoESPU, the center of excellence for Stability Police Units of Vicenza.

During the meeting, numerous issues were addressed and it emerged that some topics, such as that relating to gender, human rights, the protection of minors and the weakest categories in general, the protection of the environment and cultural heritage, as well as human trafficking, are transversal to all courses organized by CoESPU.

For this reason, Dr. Tomat called for greater involvement of the center of excellence both in European Union projects, from training activities to exercises, and in its own network.

Before continuing the visit to the other two institutions present in the "General A. Chinotto" barracks, the delegation was shown the MaGiSTrA Room (Modeling and Gaming Simulation Training Area), a technologically advanced training area, constituting the headquarters of a of police deployed in the operational theatre, where visitors are called to solve typical problems of peace missions, or rather a sort of simulator where what has been learned during the theoretical lessons is put into practice.

The visit continued at NATO stability policing center of excellence, where the lines of development of the research and doctrinal study activities conducted by the center were discussed, which aim to explore, in a multidisciplinary and multi-domain perspective, the future challenges of stability policing and of the Atlantic Alliance itself. Very interested, the members of the delegation expressed their appreciation for the convergence of interests noted between the NATO stability policing center of excellence and the direction of the civilian planning and conduct capability of the European Union on many of the topics dealt with, hypothesizing forms of cooperation between the two institutions on the research sectors of greatest relevance and topicality for the common European security.

The visit ended at the headquarters of the European Gendarmerie Force (EUROGENDFOR), where a meeting was held during which the past and current scenarios involving the European Gendarmerie Force were illustrated and subsequently a round table where future commitments and possible new areas of cooperation between EUROGENDFOR and the European Union were discussed.