USA, Russia and China have space weapons: the American satellite network "shuts down" 23 times a month

(To Franco Iacch)

Russia with the "Nudol" and China with the "Dong Neng-3" are the only countries in the world, together with the United States, to have anti-satellite missiles. This means that in a hypothetical clash between super powers, the three countries would have the ability to interrupt the entire C5ISR orbital line, rendering the enemy blind.

The anti-satellite systems are born with the aim of paralyzing the intelligence, navigation and communication of a country X. Essential links to guarantee military operations and support of civil infrastructures.

We know that Putin has invested enormous resources to develop the latest technological capabilities to militarize space. Gap with the United States that has shrunk considerably, so much so that today we talk about "spatial asymmetry". In this case, the problem was political.

The US Congress prevented massive militarization of space, minimizing the Pentagon's ASAT ground capacity. Unlike the Russians who have never had this bond.

Last February, in the unclassified data of the Defense Intelligence issued to the congress, the agency said that "China and Russia have developed enormous space capabilities, they might be able to tarnish the entire satellite network in case of conflict".

But the most alarming figure is that set forth by the commander of theAir Force Space Command, General John Hyten, who during a conference on electronic war declared that in the US satellite network, frequent cases of "shutdown" occur, equal to 23 cases per month.

In 23 moments of a month, part of the US military network goes offline. Obviously there is no evidence to point the finger at a cyber attack by a foreign country, it would be an act of war, but the data are, to say the least, worrying for two reasons: o the US satellite network is not reliable (probable) or China and Russia have developed systems capable of obscuring the American (not desirable) C5ISR capacity.

"In the current year we have had 261 episodes. In 261, our satellite communications have been 'completely' turned off '.

Translated means a low level of awareness about the activities of its soldiers on the ground.

(photo: USMC)