UFOs in the US skies ?: "no, it's our Trident"

(To Franco Iacch)

Millions of Americans from California to Arizona posted photos last Saturday and claimed to have seen a white light streak across the sky at very high speed. The word "UFO", for that unidentified flying object, complete with a hashtag, has been around the world. The problem is that the one photographed last Saturday is not an alien carrier, but a sub-launched experimental ground missile system: the Trident II (D5).

According to a protocol between military and civil organizations, all tests (including secret ones) should be communicated to guarantee, for example to civilian airlines, the safety of what could be found, in spite of themselves and unconsciously, at the center of a military program. . These security protocols, however, are not always respected and the reason is simple: to ward off enemy espionage which, in theory, knowing the time and place of launch of a carrier, could provide valuable data.

The mysterious white luminous trail that has crossed the American sky has generated a real uproar on social, for what for many has been defined as "yet another proof of the presence of other forms of life outside the earth system". And the military, over the years, has done nothing but encourage this theory, providing false or ambiguous information: all to disguise secret tests in development, many of which will remain so (and financed with public money). Civilized world that will ignore their existence forever, considering that only 5% of the tested prototypes become operational vectors.

The Trident-II, had it been launched before prying eyes, could have provided valuable information, perhaps to a Russian submarine positioned in the Pacific. Trajectory, speed, electromagnetic emissions and other characteristics provided in real time could also determine the potential vulnerabilities of the new system (especially in the push phase). Despite the official explanation of the US Navy, many believe that the one seen in the sky and which in theory would respect terrestrial physics (and one wonders why an alien spaceship would have to bow to our laws, considering the superior technology), is a UFO. . And for the military it is better this way.

Recall that the gap between the technology in the possession of the military and that known to civilians is 30/40 years (mom mom, I saw a UFO).