The UFO hidden by Mussolini: an extravagant theory, between WunderWaffen and an Italian Area 51

(To David Bartoccini)

UFO, Unidentified Flying Object, is the acronym with which we are accustomed to call, from the 1952, the unidentified objects that appear in the skies of our planet and that are supposed to come from 'extraterrestrial' origin. When in the 1933 an unidentified aircraft with extraordinary technology fell near Varese, the Duce Benito Mussolini did not think of the Martians: for him it was a matter of the Nazis and the surprising aeronautical technology that apparently they had achieved left no doubt, it was necessary to be allied to not be defeated.

This bizarre and singular supposition has been elaborated by the ufologist Roberto Pinotti, secretary of the National Ufological Center, and is based on the partially documented event that tells of an 'unidentified' aircraft crashed near the Lake Maggiore, with two men of not usual physicality, the night of the 13 June 1933. The bodies, recovered and preserved in formalin to be studied for a long time, were high 1,80, they had very light hair and eyes and disappeared, like the remains of the aircraft, when they were discovered by the allies at the end of the conflict. They were probably sent to the United States. The aircraft in question, cylindrical in shape and with a porthole, would have been secretly recovered by the fascist regime and would have remained jealously guarded in a Siai-Marchetti hangar (better known during the twenty years as Savoia Marchetti) for almost twelve years.

Still according to Pinotti, the event aroused so much concern in the regime that it even established a section dedicated to research on 'ufo': the RS33 cabinet, of which, according to the researcher, even the Nobel Prize winner Guglielmo Marconi would have been part.

Suspicious or apparently 'unexplainable' sightings occurred throughout the rest of the years' 30 is 40, but then it is enough to brush up on the legend of 'Pippo' - the elusive phantom that buzzed in the skies of the Republic of Salò at night, but what else does it was if not the allied twin-engine jets sent to make lightning night raids to bring down the morale of the population - to have a yardstick on popular beliefs and the perception of aeronautical technology of that time.

When the Allies settled in liberated Italy and became aware of the wreckage of the aircraft guarded by the SM hangar, they immediately disappeared forever together with the two alleged 'alien' bodies, continues Pinotti, adding the detail according to which “strangely the three people who were aware of the transport of those cases in the US died, two in sea accidents, a suicide".

What was it really about? There has long been talk of WunderWaffen - the miraculous weapons coveted by Hitler for the attainment of air superiority that would have changed the fortunes of war - and this could be a hypothesis from which to start and approach the theory of Pinotti; the description of the remains of the aircraft, in fact, would immediately think of a VTOL interceptor fighter (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) Focke-Wulf Fw Triebflügel, never produced or tested, at the Heinkel He 176 (photo), rocket plane tested in the 1939 but never entered into production, or the prototypes of jet interceptors and bombers designed by Messerschmitt and Arado between the 1941 and the 1945, which flights - if prototype construction was achieved - never took place before the 1940. For example the experimental endoreactor Messerschmitt Me 194 from which came the development of the 163 Me, was tested in the 1941, and reached the operativity in the 1944.

Speaking of Haunebu or Reichsflugscheiben, the infamous Nazi UFOs, therefore usually leaves the time it finds. Pinotti's reconstruction, however fascinating, remains therefore partly refutable from the premature dating of events, as well as obviously lacking sufficient historical documentation. It is to be honored, however, that the same ace of the Armée de l'Air (adopted by the RAF) Pierre Clostermann, who really was among the first to clash with the futuristic jet fighters of the Luftwaffe while he was aboard his Hawker Tempest, described the German pilots glimpsed in the cockpits as 'strange insect men' because of the flight equipment worn on their powerful Nordic physicists in very light colors: round glasses, black rubber respirator for oxygen.

In short, what fell in the Varese area in the 1933, we cannot know. But in doubt we can almost say with certainty that it was not a matter of war technology of the Third Reich. So the Duce, where he had really been pushed to ally himself with the Nazis because of the suggestion of a futuristic flying object, was caught out: maybe it was the Martians who were really looking for them.