F-35: the Air Force wants the "third flow", new engine ready for 2021, allocated two billion dollars

(To Franco Iacch)

The Joint Program Office expects to receive important updates on the F-35's powertrain within the next ten years. This is what the director of the JPO, General Chris Bogdan, announced at the conference of theAir Force Association.

The update of the Pratt & Whitney F135 is considered imperative. In block 6, expected in 2019, improvements to the engine are planned, but a new one is being planned.

Future updates, not to be confused with Lockheed Martin's development roadmap to achieve full operational capability, will be borne by individual nations that may or may not decide to keep the fighter in step with global challenges.

Within the 2025 - added Bogdan - the propulsion apparatus will be modified or replaced, depending on the technology developed.

The Air Force is currently funding theAdaptive Engine Transition Program both with Pratt & Whitney and with General Electric Aviation. The program Adaptive Engine Transition it can be summarized as follows: the Air Force wants a third air flow inside the engine. If it worked, the consumption of the 25% would be improved, reducing the thermal signature and increasing the thrust of 10%. Both companies received contracts for a billion dollars with prototypes ready for September of the 2021.

Among upgrade the Pentagon-funded F-35 also features a new system avionics, a more powerful radar and laser weapons.

One wonders which countries, besides the United States, will be able to afford such improvements.

(photo: Lockheed Martin)