Reviel Netz and William Noel
Ed. Rizzoli
pp. 434

From Syracuse to Baltimore ... who would have thought it!

Yet it is just like that. This book is about a two thousand and three hundred year history.

Dava Sobel
pp. 370

Astronomy has thrilled me immediately, ever since I was a kid, I saw Piero Angela's documentaries. The cosmos, the planets, the comets, had for me, and still have today, an enormous force of attraction.

Vincenzo Di Tommaso
Ed. In own (
pp. 102

I read with interest the book by Vincenzo Di Tommaso, "What it means to be a leader", a bit 'for professional curiosity, a little' because it is a subject that I care a lot and on which, sooner or later, I will try myself too.

Alessandro Giovanni Paolo Rugolo
pp. 104

With the approach of the departures for the holidays - especially for those who decided to spend them in the beautiful land in the center of the Mediterranean - I would like to point out a particular book.

Stephen W. Hawking
pp. 146

Years ago I had read several works by Stephen Hawking.

The research of the theory of the whole and of the origin of the universe has always fascinated me even if I have to say that not always, as a layman, I understand the intricate theories with which starting from a mathematical formula we can hypothesize the existence of structures complex.

Nicola Bultrini
Ed. Nordpress
pp. 114

It is difficult to retrace the history of the Weapon of Engineers in a few words without making mistakes or omissions. In fact, the Genius has always existed, being as old as war.

Maurizio Delli Santi
Ed. Aracne
pp. 120


There are not many books published in Italy on ISIS, which stands for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, now known also as IS, Islamic State (according to the new name adopted in June 2014).

Ed: Einaudi
pp. 534

I am Sardinian, and as such I can not not be fond of archeology, if only for the stupendous, silent, nuragic vestiges that cover Sardinia of ancient buildings.

Umberto Saccone
Ed Aracne
pp. 488
In the climate of renewed public attention on the issues of security, partly due to the international context, but also national, particularly for the threat of terrorism of ideological-religious origin, this last book by Umberto Saccone is inserted, Governing therisk. A model of Security Risk Management, published by Aracne.

Georg Feuerstein, Subhash Kak and David Frawley
Ed Sperling & Kupfer
pp. 220

How many things are taken for granted!
For example, in my case, I always thought that the most ancient writing was the cuneiform Middle Eastern one together with the Egyptian hieroglyphic, while among the oldest texts I always put the bible, the texts of the pyramids and the epic of Gilgamesh.

Joe Schwarcz
Ed. Bollati Boringhieri
pp. 306


If I had listened to my instincts I would not have bought the book!

Matt Ridley
And special for the monthly The sciences, published under the license of Codice Edizioni, Turin.
pp. 426

Can one be optimistic about the future of humanity?

Marco Anneo Lucano
Ed. Rizzoli
pp. 702

Who is Marco Anneo Lucano?

Latin poet, the 3 November of 39 after Christ is born in Cordoba. His father is Marco Anneo Mela, his uncle is Seneca.

Susan Quinn
Ed. Bollati Boringhieri
pp. 562

The journalist Susan Quinn's book deals with depth and clarity all aspects of the life of the great scientist.

Margherita Hack and Marco Morelli
Ed. Einaudi
pp. 180

Margherita Hack ... a name that brings me back to when, still a young boy, I watched Piero Angela's documentaries on TV.

Ed. The new Italy

Nicomachean Ethics: only the title scares ... my friends tell me when I let them see the book just bought.

A good book paid two and a half euros.

Samantha Hunt
pp. 272

Nikola Tesla, a great scientist and inventor, is told in this wonderful book by Samantha Hunt through a novel-biography (the original title of the novel is "The invention of everything else"), so a standard review could begin , written in compliance with the rules ... but I do not mind respecting the rules, not for these things!

Antonio Emanuele Piedimonte
Ed. Intra Moenia
pp. 154

Naples with its vitality, its street music, its stalls full of imaginative knick-knacks or beautiful nativity scenes, its sellers of fortune, shows, to those who are able to see "beyond", its splendid past.

Mauro Mellini
Ed. Bonfirraro
pp. 128

"The Marò market"Is a work that narrates the management of an" all-Italian "international event, as defined by l'author of the book l'lawyer Mauro Mellini, proposing the analysis of an absurd affair, perhaps unique in the modern history of a state of law which should be Italy, home of ancient legal, historical and cultural traditions.

John Maynard Keynes
Ed. Laterza
pp. 150

John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), perhaps the greatest British economist of the twentieth century, illustrates his point of view on the crisis that brought the world to its knees and culminated in the '29 with the collapse of Wall Street.