The Japanese aircraft carrier submarines of the Second World War: the SSBN ante litteram
The Imperial Japanese Navy, during the Second World War, succeeded in constructing a model of submarine capable of transporting aircraft that, up until the entry into ...
The Indochinese wars and the "jungle killers"
The 20th century was, if possible, the worst century in the history of Indochina, a former French colony that occupied the territories of the current states of Vietnam, Laos and ...
Košare 1999: the last resistance of the Yugoslav army in Kosovo
Between 24 March and 10 June 1999, with the operation called "Allied Force" (but in the US military term it is known as "Noble Anvil" operation) NATO ...
4 July 1776: Unanimous declaration of 13 United States of America
When in the course of human events, the need arises for a people to dissolve the political ties that have bound it to another people and to assume the status of ... among the powers of the earth
The battle of Pantelleria: a historic Italian victory
The battle of Pantelleria was a culminating moment of the so-called battle of "Middle of June", which took place over a period of time ranging from 12 to 16 June 1942, and had ...
Operation BG7: the last action of the Xᵃ MAS against Gibraltar
After the conclusion of the African Campaign, with the surrender of the 1ᵃ Army of Messe, the 10 July 1943 the Allies land in Sicily. After defeating the Italian-German troops ...
16 June 1918: the Arditi of the 9th ward reconquer the Col Moschin
On the morning of 15 June 1918, during the first hours of the Battle of the Solstice (also called the Battle of Arrest) - which finally put an end to the ambitions of ...
Premuda, 10 June 1918, very first light of dawn, the reason for the Navy day
Spring of the 1918, the fate of the Italian war is poised. After two years of frontal attacks, the Austrians have called the Germans to help: they are followed, in order, ...

6 June 1944, D-Day: the 12ᵃ Panzer Hitlerjugend Division in Normandy
On the morning of June 6, 1944, by order of the Supreme Army Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, OKW), the 12th ...
22 May 1941: the long night of the torpedo boat Lupo
Seventy-eight years ago, in the Aegean Sea, the Regia Torpedo Boat Lupo, led by the frigate captain Francesco Mimbelli ...
Hirohito, the last living god
For us Westerners it is certainly hard to admit that an entire people for two thousand six hundred years could have ...
"At the head of the army"
On the evening of 15 June 1815 ended an era in which the god of war had triumphed over the fields of half of Europe ...
April 26, 1915: pact of London, Italy goes to war
In the Anglo-Saxon diplomatic and military circles, still today, there is a joke about the political line that generally ...
70 years of NATO: protection for Europe or American occupation?
The 17 March 1948, Britain, France, Holland, Luxembourg and Belgium, signed a multilateral treaty in Brussels ...
Attack on the Suda Bay: 78 years ago the feat of the men of the 10 ^ Flotilla MAS
The South Bay feat has been defined by historians as a perfect, almost mathematical action carried out with a ...
The Kosovo war. Twenty years since the NATO attack on Serbia
Twenty years ago the first conflict started by the Atlantic Alliance from its foundation began. Symptomatic the fact ...
The Italian air forces and the fall of Colonel Gaddafi
When Italian politicians talk about the phenomenon of uncontrolled migratory flows coming from the coasts of Libya ...
1992: The strange case of the Russian submarine that knocked out an American submarine
There are days that pass quickly without most people almost realizing it; however, for ...
The Monroe Doctrine: America (Latin) to Americans (from the North)
In the nineteenth century the American colonizing propulsive force ran parallel to the concomitant decadence of ...
Night between 10 and 11 February 1918: the "mockery of Buccari"
After the forcing of Trieste, and the sinking of the battleship Wien, the construction of ...
