The Royal Navy in the Russian Campaign: on the Black Sea and Lake Ladoga
On June 4, some assault units of the RegiaMarina carried out their first action of war. These are the Italian flotilla in the Black Sea, MAS, CB mini submarines, ...
Japanese intelligence in the Second World War: Operation Z
The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 can be considered, to all intents and purposes, one of the greatest intelligence operations that took place during the ...
The Tagliamento Legion on the Russian front
I have always been interested from a "historical" point of view in the Russian Campaign, also in memory of my father who participated in it with the "Savoia Cavalleria", writing articles ...
From Tobruk to Zonderwater
The "Premier Mine", owned by the diamond company Petra Diamonds, located in the city of Cullinan, 40 km. east of Pretoria, is famous for the discovery, in 1905, ...
103 years ago the Buccari mockery
Today is the anniversary of one of the most memorable feats of the Navy. At the beginning of 1918 a new forcing operation was decided, even more daring than the ...
The Battle of Tobruk (21-23 January 1941)
The facts of Tobruk are framed in the Compass operation, unleashed by the Western Desert Force of General Archibald Percival Wavell against the Italian troops stationed in Libya ...
The best gift ever brought by the Befana!
January 6, 1982. It is not a mistake, the date is correct, that of the Epiphany. An Epiphany with a great gift, that of 39 years ago, for the history of Italian aviation: it brought the ...
The "Sassari" brigade between history, legends and anecdotes
In the usual melancholy reorganization of the correspondence of the past year, the eye fell on the booklet "Narrative of the Sassari Brigade", published last June ...

18-19 December 1941: the Alexandria Company
In the night between 18 and 19 December 1941, 6 raiders of the Navy carried out the enterprise of ...
59 years ago the Luigi Rizzo frigate, the first ship of the Navy with a flight deck
The Luigi Rizzo frigate, the first ship to 'host' on board a ...
Enduring Freedom: nineteen years ago Nave Garibaldi left for the mission in the Middle East
“General maneuvering post”. The first ship to head out of the obstructions of the port of Taranto was Nave Zefiro. There...
Vittorio Veneto: was it true glory?
On November 4, 1918, on the Italian Front, the Great War ended (at the time they were not numbered), with the Armistice of ...
October 30, 1940: Gibraltar, mission BG2
In the autumn of 1940 the submarine Scirè was designated for the first attack mission against Gibraltar, ...
Gulf of Sirte 1986: the US Navy crosses the "Death Line"
The story of the 18 seafarers of Mazara del Vallo, kidnapped by the Haftar coast guard last September 1st ...
Royal tugboat Sperone, a story of 77 years ago
The 22th anniversary of the tragic disappearance of the Royal Tugboat "Sperone" in the waters of ...
Foreign wings in the Italian Air Force: the Spitfire
Already in the four-year period 1940/1943, when the Kingdom of Italy was still an ally of the Great National Socialist Reich, the ...
The war on the seas between the British and the Germans: the sinking of the Bismarck (1941)
In May 1941, the United Kingdom and its dominions found themselves without allies, almost two years after the start of ...
Coriolano Ponza di San Martino and the "Studies on the conduct of troops and second line services" (1874)
The twenty-year period 1870-1890 was a period marked by two important reforms of the Royal Army, ...
The partisan Morelli, killed because he was not a communist
Giorgio Morelli died 73 years ago, on 9 August 1947, at the age of only 21, his faults were that of not being a ...
Srebrenica: in the heart of Europe!
"Twenty five years later we pay tribute to the thousands of victims who were brutally killed and we promise to ...
