Dialogue on assistance to patients with Xenophon


Sometimes it is thought that only today human civilization has succeeded in creating institutions aimed at protecting the weakest ... I am thinking of healthcare and pensions. But are we sure that this is the case?

Once again I want to try to interview a friend, a Master who, from the past, from time to time, comes to see me after I first opened the door to him.

"Here I am, I'm already here, I was waiting for you ..."

How did you know ... forgive me, stupid question!

"Don't worry, Alessandro, ask for what you want, there are no stupid questions but only stupid answers!"

Thank you teacher...


Sure, Xenophon ... I thought of the conquests of our times in the fields of assistance to the sick, I thought that perhaps in your time things were different, much more difficult.

"Yes, life was much more complicated ... and at the same time much simpler. But compared to your idea that you moderns invented the assistance to the weakest, well ... I must say that it is not really so! Again once I will tell you about Cyrus and his wisdom and foresight.

You must know that Ciro was observing his people, his friends and their needs, always looking for the best way to do them good, which then corresponds to doing good to themselves because if you do good to your friends you receive yourself in change respect and help in case of need ... "


"... and so it took him little time to understand that most men think of living their lives well without thinking about the fact that something must be set aside for periods of illness and difficulty. Cyrus, realizing this , he decided to use his strength and his assets, but above all his acumen and foresight, to try to solve this problem. "

Are you saying that he created a structure to guarantee health?

"Yes, perhaps not as you understand it today, but certainly useful and effective!

Ciro gathered around him the best doctors, thanks to the pay he was able to guarantee and he got everything he could use, tools, medicines, potions ... everything was centralized in the palace and he tried to use what he had to cure friends and those who could be useful to the State ...

Of course, not everyone could access the Health created by Ciro, but many took advantage of it! "

As usual, I realize my ignorance only when I look into the past ... the present hardly gives me an opportunity!

Xenophon, on my behalf and my friends thanks, for opening our eyes!

"Imagine, it's a pleasure to talk to you ... come back soon to see me, we have so many things to discuss again!"

I won't delay, I promise ...

Alessandro Rugolo

(read also Ciropedia, or "On the education of Cyrus", by Xenophon)