George Orwell: 1984

Ed. Oscar Mondador p. 336 For some time now the cover has intrigued me, that of Orwell's 1984 book, seen so many times on bookshelves. So finally I bought it. George Orwell, born Eric Arthur Blair, wrote this novel in 1948 and it was an instant success.

The main character, Winston Smith, is a man crushed by the weight of a society governed by hatred and terror, whose leader, the Big Brother, sums up its essence.

Smith lives in a world where love no longer exists, no family exists, there is no individualism or freedom. Only the Party exists, the two minutes of Hate, the propaganda and the cancellation or rewriting of the past history ...

One of the tools for monitoring people is the television screen, present in all homes, on the streets and in every place where people meet. Through it the Party controls everyone's behavior, in search of traitors and spies to be captured, arrested and, if necessary, eliminated from the world and by history, erasing every single trace. Winston takes care of this, rewriting the past when necessary.

His is a world to the contrary, in which the Ministry of Truth deals with falsifying the past, effectively erasing it; the Ministry of Peace takes care of the war; the Ministry of Love is in charge of law and public order and the Ministry of Abundance makes sure that the economy and development are maintained at the correct level. Why, will you ask?







these are the Party's slogans, the highest expression of bipens bottles

4 April 1984, a memorable date for Winston, the date on which his rebellion against the system begins, the date he writes on the first page of his diary!

A diary to which to deliver his innermost thoughts.

Then one day, unexpectedly, Julia arrives, and it is the beginning of a new life, a life without hope. She always wore a thin scarlet band, symbol of the Anti-Sexual Youth League.

O'Brien was an important member of the Internal Party, Winston met him several times.

These are the main characters of the story. A socio-psycho-political nightmare.

And yet, come to think of it, in part it could be the real world ... or maybe it is!

In this world our characters move and for those who make mistakes there is reconditioning: learning, understanding, acceptance, up to the removal from the memory of everything that is not in line with Party thinking, to the point that 2 + 2 = 5, firmly believing.

Until the final betrayal of one's ideas, of one's belief, of one's love ... to the point of saying "do it to him, not to me".

A nightmare of the past?


Alessandro Rugolo