29 May 1453: The Fall of Constantinople
Five hundred and sixty-four years ago, Mohammed II the Conqueror, seventh Sultan of the Osmanli (Ottoman) dynasty, conquered the city which for centuries was the ...
Over a century since the beginning of the Great War: reflections from the sky
On May 24, 1915, one year after the start of hostilities, Italy entered the war alongside the Entente powers: France, Great Britain and Russia. In support of his ...
The squadron of millionaires: the young offspring of Yale who wanted to leave for the 'Great War'
Frosted and neatly combed hair, dark blazers and a winged brooch pinned to the chest - specially designed for them by the well-known jewelry Tiffany & Co. - they look like ...
The battle of Caporetto was not a defeat
The Great War assumes a fundamental role in the history of Italy, since it was the first real difficulty faced by the entire nation after the unification, contributing to ...
The health benefits of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
The doctors, institutions and health organization, under the reign (1734 - 1861) of the Bourbon Two Sicilies, represent, as in every era, the faithful mirror of society, ...
The inventor of the “Triage”: Jean Dominique de Larrey, Napoleon's surgeon
It is impossible to refer to First Aid in the event of "catastrophic" events of any nature or origin, in which the number of victims far exceeds that of ...
The Treasure of Pollux
Emeralds, diamonds, jewels, watches, thousands of gold and silver coins. A real treasure hidden in the depths of the Tuscan Archipelago. It is the gold of the Elbe. A treasure from ...
Giuseppe Brotzu: war on malaria in Sardinia
Often the most fought wars are not those that take place on a battlefield, but those that are unknown to most, aimed at making an idea or an intuition or a search or ... triumph

The War of the Ogaden between Ethiopia and Somalia (1977-1978): Russians and Cubans enter the war and change their fate
(Continued) Thus began a massive airlift to supply the troops on the ground. From the 25 November 1977 ...
Another, unknown, South primate: X-rays in war!
As we unfortunately know, our country is not always, especially after the annexation of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, has ...
Seagulls: the Nibbio class hydrofoils
In the last part of the Cold War the Italian Navy developed a series of small anti-ship units ...
Florence Nightingale, that is, if the lamp is not enough ... better the hammer!
As we have already noticed, often the "carnage" of the war, shamelessly hidden by the "fig leaf" ...
The Awaden War between Ethiopia and Somalia (1977-1978): Somalia attacks
At first things seemed to proceed according to plan: within a few days the combined forces of the SNA and the ...
The Ogaden war between Ethiopia and Somalia (1977-1978): the historical and political premises of the conflict
The historical origins of the Ogaden war can be traced back to the late nineteenth century when the different powers ...
A regiment to the conquest of a ... Gran Magisterium!
Since ancient times military operations were used in the political sphere to justify various claims and ...
The weight of defeat
During the mid-morning of the 2 September 1945, the last Axis fighting country, the Japanese Empire, signed ...
April 21, 753 BC: "Roma dies natalis"
The 21 April marks the feast of Christmas in Rome, a millennial anniversary that celebrates the foundation ...
Samurai on the Pacific
The feelings of honor, loyalty, courage and devotion were all sublimated in the "Bushido" (way of the warrior), code and ...
The Civil War in Rhodesia (1965 - 1979): the phase of guerrilla warfare and the rise of Mugabe
After the first skirmishes in the 1965, the fight between the parties came to life in April 1966, when strong groups of ...
Aldo Castellani, Italian and Doctor: a story of dignity and consistency
Often one feels accusing the nationalism of every wickedness or depravity. However, as always happens when ...
