Sardinia: three Air Force flights to save three children in danger of life

(To air Force)

Three Sardinian children in danger of life were transported today by three aircraft of the Italian Air Force. The work of the Armed Force continues unabated in favor of the community which, this morning, began with the transport of a young patient of only six years in danger of life due to a serious illness. The child was transported from Alghero to Genoa at the request of the prefecture of Sassari. The situation room of the command of the Air Squad, the operations room of the Air Force, was then activated respectively by the prefecture of Sassari and that of Cagliari for the transport of two other children: the first of 12 years who had to be immediately from Alghero taken to the Niguarda hospital in Milan and the second of only two years that had to be transported from Cagliari to Turin.

The aircraft of the 31 ° Stormo of Ciampino, carried out the requested transports, allowing the three very young patients to reach the cities from Sardinia where they were able to receive all the necessary care to save their lives.

Crews and transport aircraft of the Italian Air Force are ready day and night to ensure, where required and deemed necessary for urgent reasons, the medical transport of people in imminent danger of life. 1100 is the flight hours carried out by the aircraft of Ciampino's 31 ° Stormo, by the 14 ° Stormo of Pratica di Mare and by the 46 ^ Air Brigade of Pisa, which have helped 300 people in 2015 alone, in these first months of the 2016 there are already more than 50 interventions.