Open Weekend at the "Douhet" school

(To air Force)

Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 December, the Military School participated, with an information stand of the Italian Air Force, at the IX edition of the event "The schools present themselves", aimed at the orientation of children and families on study choices after secondary school of first instance.

To the initiative, promoted by Education Directorate of the municipality of Florence at the “Ridolfi” sports complex in Florence, the information areas of 30 Higher education institutions in Florence and the metropolitan city were present, which provided some thousands of visitors with useful orientation information on their educational offer.

During the two days, a representation of the staff of the permanent framework and of the students of the Douhet School he met hundreds of students and their families, presenting the educational offer, the competition procedure and the activities of the school itself, also with the distribution of information and promotional material from the Italian Air Force.

In the same circumstance, the students of the Liceo Classico and Liceo Scientifico della Scuola were able to present the same information also to the Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Education, University and Research, Gabriele Toccafondi, visiting the event.

Simultaneously with the demonstration at the “Ridolfi” gym, on the same day 12 December, the military school opened its doors to the public with its own Open Day, held by Colonel Michele Buccolo - commander and headmaster - who illustrated to approximately 200 people, including parents and young students from all the Italian regions, the organizational, administrative and didactic-training aspects of the annexed high schools, allowing them to visit the structures of the Institute itself.

This latest initiative, which is part of the promotion campaign for the next competition relating to the admission of students for the 2016/2017 school year, was the first of a series of Open Day that the school has planned for the coming months of February (Saturday 13 and Sunday 28), March (Saturday 12 and 19) and April (Saturday 2 and 9) of the 2016 (