Historical Museum: P51D Mustang is included

(To air Force)

Yesterday the Mustang P51D MM4323 was again exhibited at the Historical Museum of Vigna di Valle.

Thanks to its exceptional flight characteristics, the Mustang is considered the best fighter of World War II. It was in fact equipped with a wing with a laminar profile (especially designed for high speeds) and other devices that concerned the radiator and the careful study of the various components to allow rapid construction on an industrial scale.

Among the most valuable features of this aircraft was that of being able to reach high altitudes, and therefore it was often used also in the escort of bombers.

Produced in the United States, it was exported to many foreign countries that used it, in some cases, up until the 70 years.

He entered the AM service in 1948 replacing the obsolete and much-used Spitfire of the hunting line.

The aircraft on display bears the distinctive insignia of the team aerial general Ranieri Cupini (RR-11) who used it until 1953, date of the radiation.

Vigna di Valle is the headquarters of the Historical Museum of the Air Force, which houses the most significant aircraft supplied by the Armed Forces, including those used in the period prior to its foundation.