The Air Force Military Personnel Employment Directorate turns 25 years old

(To air Force)

On Friday 14 July, the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of the Directorate of Air Force Military Personnel Employment (DIPMA). The management was born on 14 July 1998 as an employment tool, following the legislative reform introduced by Law 25/1997.

The celebration began with the greeting of the general of the air division Fabio Sardone, director of the DIPMA who, in thanking the guests and the staff present, recalled that far more complex meanings are hidden behind the term "employment", including professional orientation, starting courses, the assignment of assignments, transfers of authority and those at the request of a party, the verification of specific attributions as well as the opinions of the Armed Forces for placement on leave. An articulated work, made even more complex by the particular historical, social and geopolitical moment in which, in the face of the growth of social protections, legal sensitivity, the number of accesses to documents, appeals and national and international operational commitments, we are witnessing a significant reduction in recruitments in the Armed Forces and an important contraction of the human resources available for the FA.

The management, however, managed to preserve its dynamism and responsiveness, adapting to new challenges by reviewing and optimizing its work processes and realizing, in synergy with the logistic command, a new, more complete and effective database that will make processes more efficient.

Afterwards, the general of the air force Roberto Comelli, former director of the DIPMA and currently logistic commander, spoke on behalf of the chief of staff of the AM, paying homage to the management staff, the directors who have succeeded over the years, including the forerunner par excellence and late general Tei, for the decisive contribution made, the diligence, dedication, self-denial and sense of duty constantly put in place.

Furthermore, General Comelli underlined that the administrative appeals registered over the years against the employment measures have largely ended in favor of the Administration, testifying to a work carried out in a serious and loyal way, in the delicate effort to combine, as far as possible, the expectations of individuals with the priority needs of the Armed Forces.

The event ended with the greetings formulated by the episcopal vicar, mgr. Antonio Coppola who, in applauding the management for the delicate work carried out, hoped for ever greater attention to the needs of military personnel.