General Preziosa greets the non-commissioned staff representatives of the AM

(To air Force)

On Monday 7 March, at the "Ajmone Cat" hall of Palazzo AM, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Pasquale Preziosa, team general, met with the presidents of the non-commissioned officers, graduates and troops of the Armed Forces.

The meeting was wanted by General Preziosa who, on this specific occasion, wanted to personally greet the intervened personnel, in view of his forthcoming termination of the active service. Above all, the head of SMA wanted to express to the presidents and, through them, to the staff represented by them, their gratitude for their service, rendered with constant professionalism and dedication.

"Well done! For all that you have done well to date [...] we must set new goals by facing them with the same passion, dedication and pride with which we have done so far, so that we can win new challenges " so the general opened his speech.

The head of SMA underlined the importance of the human factor, as essential as the technological one. "It is on the human being that the Air Force has invested and continues to invest"

"You are the backbone of the Armed Force, the backbone that supports its mission. You are the fundamental part of a well-run engine, managed and controlled by thousands of you specialists, to whom I will never be grateful enough for what you are doing. [...] Your dedication moves me."

In addition to communicating his appreciation for the work of the staff, General Preziosa underlined the importance of the figure of the president of the non-commissioned officers: " ... not only representative, but also a symbol and therefore, by example, a guide. This requires quality: untiring determination and strong determination. The president is fundamental for the commanders: he keeps them informed, updates them and is the staff thermometer and the litmus test of his work."

After quickly summarizing the main stages of the Air Force under his command, General Preziosa said he was proud to command such a compact team, made up of men and women capable of impressing the world. "We continue to focus on Ethics, Passion and Competence: do not miss your example. Bravi!"

The non-commissioned officers' presidents expressed their appreciation for the words of the SMA chief, applauding him warmly and for a long time. At the end of the meeting, they gave their commander, in gratitude, an object in memory of the event.

"I take leave of you with the pride of having served you, the Air Force and the country."the general concluded.