The young vice premier gave proof of maturity in front of al Sisi. When in Saudi Arabia?

(To David Rossi)

In three months, the Egyptian president Abdel Fatah Al Sisi has seen three Italian ministers pass from his studio: from the interview on migrants with Matteo Salvini, specialty of the Minister of the Interior, to the frank and constructive meeting with Moavero Milanesi, owner of Foreign Affairs, more interested in the geostrategic equilibrium of the Region. Finally, a week before the Libyan civil war started to heat up again, the second stakeholder in the Conte cabinet arrived, that Luigi Di Maio whose visit he did not expect to see.

Statist and centralist, the political leader of the Five Star Movement has dressed for a day the role of Talleyrand and, put under the carpet the fight against hydrocarbons and the TAP, praising ENI for not having left Egypt even in the most difficult times , he sat at the table with the one who in a previous article (link) we had defined the "spider" of the Libyan and Middle Eastern web, Al Sisi.

What to say? To the writer "Giggino", so silent now that Tripoli seems to burn again, in these pragmatic statesman's shoes he liked: sorry only that, to try not to irritate too much the most unleashed activists of his party, he had to light a little 'too many (and useless) candles in memory of Giulio Regeni, ending up so as to obscure a visit from "mature politician" that could have appeared in the newspapers in a better light. But perhaps this is exactly what we like to think of, that the vice-president of the council was looking for: a bit of "caciara" in the homeland in order to hide the "business as usual" policy with Egypt consecrated by this meeting. On this, the government yellow-green is continuing, improving it, the policy undertaken by the executive Gentiloni, in opposition to the unfortunate and anti-Italian initiatives undertaken by Renzi.

Those who read will remember how important the relationship with Egypt is for Italy (v. article), both for the regional balance and for the economic-energy relations between the two countries. If for the latter, the recent visits (net of that of Salvini, plus a chat about the migrants what else ...) have foreshadowed a consolidation of the strategic projects of ENI and other Italian companies in the land of the Pharaohs, the writer poses two questions: 1) if it would not be appropriate to prepare a visit also by the Minister of Defense, to start planning joint initiatives between Rome and Cairo and strengthen the role of Egypt as a buyer of the war industry in Italy, but above all 2 ) if there would not be the opportunity to use the new climate of Italian-Egyptian collaboration to start more serious contacts with Saudi Arabia, a strategic customer for the Italian armaments industry and, in general, for Made-in-Italy quality, as well as potential buyer of large shares of our public debt.

We like to think that the young vice-president of the Council, the mature Foreign Minister and the expert defense minister are already working in unison in this direction, considering that Riyad does not respond to Berlin but to Washington about its support to that or that another country and, therefore, in the case, not so improbable, of a new Italian sovereign debt crisis, Saudi Arabia could become an important partner in Rome. Ask the Sisi if it would succeed, without the support of Saudis and Emirati, to come to grips with the serious crises that have struck Egypt in the last five years and the risk of being isolated while the European NGOs were giving it non-stop. On the contrary, we hope that "Giggino" has asked him: after all, Mohamed bin Salman is someone who loves using social media as the pentastellato leader ...

(photo: web)