COCER: in the polygons thousands of workers. To close means social disaster


In these days the commission of inquiry depleted uranium is in Sardinia to visit the polygons and carry out auditions. The noble purpose of the Commission is to definitively shed light and clarity on the cases of death of soldiers probably related to vaccines and exposure to depleted uranium (certainly not in the Sardinian polygons as claimed by competent medical and scientific bodies) so that the many colleagues and the many families involved in the tragic death stories manage to obtain justice and truth.

For this reason I am surprised by the press statements by the President of the Commission, Hon. Scanu who continues to talk about the closure of the polygons in which, let's not forget, thousands of Sardinians work. To say that the Commission of Inquiry wants to close the shooting ranges is not correct as this statement is not supported by any official act of the Commission of Inquiry and does not even fall within its objectives.

We are tired of still feeling this monotonous and dangerous mantra. What will happen to the thousands of military and civilian workers? What will happen to the huge induced company that represents the presence of Defense in Sardinia? The closure of the polygons would involve the "deportation" in the peninsula of thousands of Sardinians and their families.

We cannot speak of the closure of structures that employ thousands of Sardinians without putting on the table a valid project that provides for the re-employment of these people.

I find the statements by the Hon. Scanu because they take absolutely no account of this aspect, which is fundamental for safeguarding our workplace and the right to remain in our land.

This was stated by the delegate Cocer interforces Antonsergio Belfiori