30/07/2015 - Today in Rome, at the headquarters of the Italian Shipowners' Confederation, the definitive agreement was signed with the trade unions aimed at facilitating the boarding of Italian students on board Italian and foreign flag ships.

This agreement follows the memorandum of understanding signed last February 26 and a series of in-depth analyzes on the matter carried out by Confitarma and the Trade Unions with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and with the INPS.

The agreement is particularly important for the promotion of the employment of young Italians in sea professions.

Through a more modern framework of the student figure, the entry of new levers on board ships with concrete career development prospects is facilitated.

It is recalled that the further important element of the agreement is the introduction of the contractual figure of the Junior Third Officer, aimed at favoring the inclusion in the maritime labor market of the official students who have already passed the qualifying examination.

The agreement signed today completes the framework of the negotiation that 1 July 2015 ended with the renewal of the collective labor contracts of the maritime sector.

Source: Confitarma