17/07/2015 - Fourteen boys and girls, aged between 12 and 19 and suffering from epilepsy under drug treatment, received, last weekend aboard Nave Italia, from the hands of the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi, the "Sailor Diploma".

These are the beneficiaries of the project "Epilepsy outside the shadow 2015" promoted by the Department of Neuroscience of the Bambin Gesù Pediatric Hospital in Rome, whose quality of life is strongly conditioned by inability, lack of autonomy and socialization due to constant monitoring since early childhood by parents and health professionals.

The project involved seven days on the Olbia-Civitavecchia route aboard the brig that the Tender to Nave Italia Onlus Foundation (created by the Italian Navy and the Yacht Club) dedicates to the recovery of people suffering from physical and mental discomfort, actively participating in the life of sea ​​and the maneuvers of a large boat, a place where it is possible to share experiences able to promote self-esteem and personal growth.

From the 2007 until today the Tender to Nave Italia Onlus Foundation has hosted on board Nave Italia, the biggest sailing brig in the world, over 3500 boys and every year are selected and realized about 20 projects in the social medical field in favor of schools, hospitals, social services, public and private companies for marginalized people, children, adolescents and adults rendered fragile by discomfort or disability.

Source: Military Navy