16/07/2015 - Last Saturday, in the waters in front of the port of Livorno, in the presence of the team admiral Stefano Dotti, head of the General Office for Accident Prevention and Environmental Protection (U.Ge.Co.Prev.A.) and the admiral inspector Massimo Guma, head of the Prevention and Safety Office, of the instructors for work at height and on ropes of the CAMP company, tests were carried out on the use of the new system to climb the masts of the schooner, introduced to increase the safety of personnel in activities at height.

The verification carried out with units in navigation, served to measure not only to further refine the configuration of the Personal Protective Equipment already in use during both the ascent and rescue procedures, but to involve all interlocutors before use of the new security systems by the students of the Naval Academy of Livorno in order to crystallize a shared vision of the whole.

The changes introduced, the result of a collaboration with the company CAMP that has tested in the laboratory the possible configurations of individual protection devices for use on board, put the Navy among the most advanced in the world in the sector.

Source: Military Navy