14/07/2015 - The third phase of the XXVI basic course for diving specialists and the training phase of the XIII course for fire brigade scuba diving instructors (VVF) took place at the naval base of La Maddalena from 22 June to 11 July.
The activity involved 35 students, 20 instructors and a technical / health staff composed of 7 elements, hosted for the entire period at the logistic facilities of the non-commissioned officer of the Navy 'Domenico Bastianini' of La Maddalena.
The three weeks of the course saw the development of a dense program of daily dives at gradually increasing depth, up to the final 50 meters. Theater of the activities the bay of Santo Stefano and some areas overlooking the island of Caprera. The support platform from which the VVFs set off for the daily activities was the Tremiti ship, which for this particular requirement was temporarily relocated to La Maddalena.
This was a successful formula of the course for divers specialists, born from the excellent level of collaboration between the VVF and Marina, an initiative that could be repeated also in the future.
Source: Military Navy