28/07/2015 - The fanfare of the 8th Bersaglieri Regiment, military musical ensemble of the "Garibaldi" Brigade, returned from Switzerland after the success achieved in the "Basel Tattoo" 2015 event, the military music festival sponsored by the Federal Department of Defense and the Civil Protection and Swiss Sports.

The event, which took ten years in the year of the "jubilee", took place in the 17 - 25 July period in Basel (Switzerland) with the participation of about 2000 military artists from all over the world.

Il Basel tattoo Basel is the 2 ° "tattoo" in the world in importance after the one in Edinburgh in Scotland and for the first time the fanfare of the 8 ° Bersaglieri Regiment was chosen to represent the Army and Italy.

The program of the event, characterized by evolutions and musical performances, took place inside a former Swiss army barracks located on the bank of the Rhine, saw the alternation in carousels of numerous bands and fanfare including, to name a few , in addition to the fanfare of the Bersaglieri, a musical group consisting of only brass instruments, also the band of the Air Force of the Republic of Korea, the band of the New Zealand army, the band of the Honor Guard of Queen Elizabeth (The Band of The Household Cavalry), the bagpipes and “drums & pipes” of the Oman Royal Army, representative of Canada, the United States, South Africa and Ireland.

The festival aroused great enthusiasm among the numerous visitors who attended, who were able to appreciate the abilities of our musician bersaglieri to be unique in the world scene with the characteristic of running and playing.

Source: "Garibaldi" Bersaglieri Brigade