24/07/2015 - In the "Gerardo Antonucci" square of the "Oreste Salomone" Barracks in Capua, seat of the 17th "Acqui" Regiment, about eight hundred Volunteers in Fixed Stop for a year, belonging to the 2nd block 2015, officially became part of the Army family, taking an oath of loyalty to the Italian Republic.

The ceremony was attended, in addition to the commander of the Volunteer Training Center, Brigadier General Gabriele Toscani De Col, military authorities, civilians, religious and combat associations and of weapon, as well as family members and friends of the jurors.

The young volunteers, men and women from all over Italy, shouted in unison their "Lo Giuro" in the presence of the 17 War Flag ° "Acqui" Volunteer Training Regiment, decorated with the Military Order of Italy , of two Gold Medals, three of Silver and one of Bronze under the command of the Regiment Commander, Colonel Giancarlo Di Serafino.

The 2 block 2015 is dedicated to the memory of the bersagliere sergeant Giuseppe Carli, decorated with the Gold Medal for Military Valor, for having heroically sacrificed his life the 1 June 1915 on Mount Mrzli, in a critical fight in which he was extreme need to occupy a position to protect the rearrangement of other troops and give them time to recover from a surprise.

The "Acqui" 17 Volunteer Training Regiment, in Capua, is an ancient infantry department, founded in the 1703, and by glorious traditions, which like the 85 ° Volunteer Training Regiment "Verona", in Verona and the 235 ° Regiment Volunteer training "Piceno" in Ascoli Piceno, is a member of the basic training of Italian Army troops, who attend a ten-week course, during which they are trained in basic military activities. The three Regiments depend on the Volunteer Training Center, also based in the "O. Salomone" Barracks of Capua.

The Volunteers with today's swearing-in ceremony will complete the first phase of their training process, at the end of which they will be transferred to the Bodies and Departments of the Italian Army, located throughout the national territory.

Source: Army Training, Specialization and Doctrine Command