20/06/2015 - "Ventimiglia are few. Many more seem to be those that separate men from their good faith ".
It is a widespread opinion through a subliminal but incessant media campaign that if it rains in Congo, in Senegal there is a toothache, and in Mozambique they sting mosquitoes, the fault of the West.
A kind of epidemic forces the average man to consider Africa as the final destination of all the evils of the European man.
It would be enough to mention the Berlin Conference to understand that the European powers have begun to divide up and exploit Africa in the second half of the 800 while the History of Humanity counts for a few thousand years.
To solve the long-standing issue of migration so that all human beings can think of a future of peace and prosperity, it would be nice to identify all the causes of the gap between North and South of the world without reducing them to exploitative-exploited logic.
African victimism, justified by more than a hundred years of often aberrant colonialism, does not really have great time margins. With a little 'effort you can get to the slave trade that covers part of the continent and in any case not double the fifteenth century. That is the slave trade that the Arabs should regret at least as much as the most evil Europeans ...
With regard to standards of living and development indicators (including the rule of law) it is undeniable that there is a significant delay in Africa. Just cross it along less touristy roads to open your eyes. Looking for all the responsibilities of the delay in the West is the best way to never fill the differences.
In other words, if it's okay "Just take advantage of Africa!" must be fine as well "Africa will have to walk alone ", otherwise it does not come out.
The overflowing human and natural resources available to the black continent do not seem to contrast with the creation of indigenous models without the need to complain of those suffered. After all if the West is rebutted whips, chains and exploitation of natural resources, it should be recognized all the rest without neglecting the science that was used to invent it and the keyboard with which we write the article.
De-empowering the African man does not help to solve the future. To say that 1 million deaths in Rwanda in the 1994 are the exclusive fault of the former Belgian colonists and not even of Tutsi and Hutu who have massacred each other, only serves to stand on the side of the pitiful who never pay a pledge. For a bad European who sold anti-personnel mines in Angola, there must have been an African who thought he would use them.
The politically correct is no longer enough as an excuse. It only transforms the so-called reception to those who flee from Africa in a barrel discharge of consciousness.
Consistency does not benefit from the Manicure simplifications. Who thinks that thehomo occidentalis is the cause of all ills, without the West would have no voice: the phone to speak, the PC to write, the plane to go and the off-road to proceed.
The logic "country-rich-exploitation" and "country-poor-exploited" is the legacy of that slice of Leninism that has transferred the class struggle on the rails of the International, in an attempt to keep the proletarian revolution alive. It follows that behind the rhetoric of acceptance often hides the ideological resentment according to which anything is good as long as the roots of the so-called "bourgeois" society are severed. The "clandestine" or "migrant" if you prefer, more than a needy brother seems a political tool.
To validate these positions we have even come to exploit the words of Pope Francis extrapolating from the speeches the most comfortable phrases. If the Pontiff expresses himself in defense of life by condemning abortion, euthanasia and the rejection of charity, the media often only reveal the last part, contextualizing it to the single thought according to necessity.
The Christian and sacrosanct principles of welcome are well suited to targeted and planned interventions for the definitive solution of the inequalities between the North and the South of the world. They become more difficult to apply without a clear project that has time and objectives.
Immigration from Africa as it is managed in Italy today has no design and remains hostage of two fires: the exploitation of organized crime colludes with part of the institutions; the ideological third world that, without earning anything, always prefers a minaret to a parish and a Senegalese to the housewife of Voghera.
Even if we commit ourselves, in neither case can we read charity or a better future.
Giampiero Venturi