02/06/2014 - On the occasion of the 68th anniversary celebration of the proclamation of the republic, was held today at Overseas Military Memorial of Bari the deposition of a crown in honor of the fallen.
31/05/2014 - It's almost midnight, Via dei Fori Imperiali is subject to preparations for the 2 June parade. This time I also want to browse "behind the scenes". I walk up to Caracalla's thermal baths. The military prepared for ten days, the general rehearsals tonight.
30/05/2014 - A "Demodoxalogy Course" is underway in Rome.
Anyone interested in attending the course second level of demodoxalogy, lasting for 16 hours, can contact the journalist Francesco Bergamo at the following e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. And 'you need JavaScript enabled to view it.
26/05/2014 - Yesterday alone, more than 2000 attendees among the 34 stands of the Rome Drone Expo & Show, the first "aeronautical show" on drones in Italy.
19/05/2014 - The international seminar "The political and strategic evolution of the Armed Forces: a support tool for national interests" was held on Saturday at the engineering faculty of the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
12/05/2014 - On Saturday evening, in Molfetta in the Achille Salvucci auditorium of the Diocesan Museum, the eleventh edition of the Azzarita Award, recognition dedicated to journalism and publishing organized by the study center dedicated to the journalist Molfettese Leonardo Azzarita.
09/05/2014 - MESAS'14, the first international Workshop on Modeling & Simulation (M&S) for Autonomous Systems (AS), was held in the Hotel Ergife, organized by the NATO Center of Excellence on Modeling & Simulation (NATO M&S CoE) of Rome.
08/05/2014 - Also this year the navy participates in the event Open House, now in its third edition, opening its doors and offering guided tours of Palazzo Marina, masterpiece of the architect Giulio Magni.
07/05/2014 - It was launched on Monday, at theHigher Institute of Joint Staff (ISSMI), the multinational exercise "Combined Joint European Excercise 2014".
07/05/2014 - From 8 to 12 May 2014 the ministry of defense will participate in the XXVII edition of International Book Show of Turin, with an exhibition area located in the 3 al Lingotto Fairs.
05/05/2014 - As part of the "Open House" event, which every year involves 25 cities around the world with free exhibitions of the most representative architectural works of each of them, the Palazzo dell'Aeronautica will be one of the sites in Rome open to the public on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 May 2014.
02/05/2014 - The first edition of the. 5 and 6 May will take place at the Hotel Ergife in Rome Modeling & Simulation for Autonomous Systems Workshop (MESAS'14).