15/04/2015 - The deputy prefect vicar, dr. Michele Basilicata, yesterday inaugurated the fourth stage of the itinerant historical-photographic review of the Army Staff in Piedmont, set up in the "Villa Giulia" headquarters, in Verbania-Pallanza, and open to the public until April 20 , with daily timetable 09-19 and free admission.
15/04/2015 - An infoteam from the Military Geographical Institute and the "Abetone" Transmission Battalion, will be present at the sporting event dedicated to cycling in all its forms "Florence Bike Festival 2015" scheduled, from 17 to 19 April in Florence, at the Parco delle Cascine.
09/04/2015 - The Defense Staff is present at the Salone dello Studente - Campus Orienta 2015 which today and tomorrow 10 April reaches its fourth stop at the Leopolda station in Florence.
01/04/2015 - The "Puglia" Army Military Command based in Bari and under the orders of General Natalino Madeddu, presented the photo contest "La via della Grande Guerra", open to all students who attend primary schools and secondary.
24/03/2015 - The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, went today to the Ardeatino Mausoleum, site of the massacre carried out by the Nazis in which 335 Italian civilians and soldiers were shot, where he participated in the commemorative ceremony of the 71st anniversary of the massacre of the Fosse Ardeatine.
20/03/2015 - The "Francesco Morosini" Military Naval School of Venice opens its doors to pupils of second grade secondary schools and third classes of first grade secondary schools to make their training offer known and provide information on the next call for applications and on the peculiarities of life within the institution.
19/03/2015 - The Italian Army, on 21 and 22 March in collaboration with the FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano, will open the doors of the library of the military school “Teuliè” in Milan.
The library houses some volumes of considerable historical-cultural interest and will also be exposed texts that tell the Great War.
19/03/2015 - In line with the Government's expenditure containment objectives, the Minister of Defense, Roberta Pinotti, has launched a process of divestment and enhancement of the real estate assets in order to reduce expenses, encourage employment and contribute to the reduction of public debt .
18/03/2015 - The remaining 2015 season of the National Aerobatic Team will see the ten MB-339s of the Frecce Tricolori engaged in 23 events from the north to the south of Italy and abroad in the name of promoting the country system and the Made in Italy.
17/03/2015 - This morning, the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, on the occasion of the celebrations for the 154th anniversary of National Unity, "Day of National Unity, the Constitution, the Anthem and the Flag", placed a laurel wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and observed a minute of silence.
11/03/2015 - The war correspondent is that professional who tells you a piece of international crisis, a journalist perhaps sui generis that in the eyes of public opinion sometimes embodies the perfect synthesis of courage and intellect, sometimes wearing the clothes of the mercenary pen, there is no doubt that it is someone who operates a few meters from the line of fire, an individual who instead of thinking of how to save the skin tries to collect as much as possible in terms of images, feelings, lives in comparison and all this with the aim of allowing the user of the news an effective and detailed understanding of the conflict.
10/03/2015 - The "Francesco Morosini" Military Naval School of Venice opens its doors to pupils of secondary schools and to third classes of lower secondary schools to make known their training offer and provide information on the next call for applications and on the peculiarities of life within the institution.
04/03/2015 - Starting from March, the Italian Air Force and the Aero Club of Italy, in accordance with the memorandum of understanding in force between the parties, have organized a series of seminars on Flight Safety at the bases of the AM
03/03/2015 - From Thursday 5 to Sunday 8 March, the Air Force will be present at the Nuova Fiera di Roma at the 7th Edition of Motodays, the reference Motorbike and Scooter Show in central-southern Italy.
01/03/2015 - General Claudio Graziano yesterday took over from Admiral Luigi Binelli Mantelli, who left his post (assumed on 31 January 2013) and active duty.
During his speech, Minister Pinotti thanked the admiral Binelli Mantelli for the decisive work carried out in his mandate and he addressed to General Graziano the best wishes for the new assignment.
25/02/2015 - This morning the Chief of Defense Staff, Admiral Luigi Binelli Mantelli, held a meeting at the LUISS "Guido Carli" University in Rome keynote on the “Role of the Armed Forces in the current geostrategic context”.
10/02/2015 - Also this year, from 13 to 15 February at the Lingotto Fiere in Turin, the collaboration of the Italian Army will continue with "Automotoretrò", the motoring exhibition dedicated to cars and motorcycles of the past.
07/02/2015 - Last Thursday a photographic exhibition organized by Solidarité Identités and from the Syrian Community in Italy. The debate "Freedom or Terrorism", in the splendid Roman setting of the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin ("Bocca della verità", editor's note) has kicked off exposure to the Syrian archaeological heritage.
06/02/2015 - The first edition of the new X MILIA will be held in Rome on Sunday 8 February 2015, a regional road race, individual male, female and company, over the distance of 10 Roman miles, dedicated to the memory of the general of 'Giangiacomo Calligaris Army, creator of the event.
03/02/2015 - There are still a few days left to try to pursue a career as an officer in the Navy and submit the application.
The competition announcement will end the 9 February.