05/06/2015 - In the morning, Commander General Tullio Del Sette paid homage to the fallen by placing a laurel wreath at the Memorial of the Museo Storico dell'Arma.

In Rome, inside the "Salvo D'Acquisto" barracks in Tor di Quinto, a ceremony will be held in the presence of the Minister of Defense, sen. Roberta Pinotti, of the Minister of the Interior, on. Angelino Alfano, and the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Hon. Dario Franceschini.

The ceremony, which will begin at 18: 00 with the deployment of two training regiments representing all the components of the Arma, provides the review of the Departments by the Minister of Defense, the reading of the message of the head of state, the 'intervention by Minister Pinotti, the delivery of the Gold Medal to the Merit of culture and art to the War Flag of the Carabinieri by the Minister Franceschini, as well as the "Rewards" to the Carabinieri most distinguished in the service activities and of the "Annual Award" to five Station commanders.

After the outflow of the Departments, will follow the Historic Carousel Equestrian, performed by the 4 ° Carabinieri Regiment on Horseback to recall the glorious "Carica di Pastrengo" of 1848. The final honors to the Minister of Defense will close the ceremony.

At the same time, in every Italian province, similar meetings will be held with the employees during which the top authority will explain the significance of the event after having read the message of the head of state.


The event can be followed, in live streaming, on the Defense Web TV and on the Internet site www.carabinieri.it


Summary of the operational activity of the weapon in the 2014

La security, a concept that, today even more than in the past, presents itself in its complexity and plurality, placing itself at the base of the pyramid of the person's needs, is the result of a multiplicity of actions which, in order to be effective, must be coordinated as much as possible and integrated. On the opposite side, today's scenario brings out a picture of threat increasingly complex and complex: from widespread crime to organized crime, from internal and local crime to transnational and globalized crime, from internal eversion to international terrorism. In the face of this situation, the intervention of multiple operating components is necessary that are able to effectively affect each specific sector and to interact with each other with immediacy and continuity, guaranteeing the security offer the necessary transversality and flexibility.

The Arma has always sought to guarantee this with an organizational structure that has its matrix in adherence and proximity to the different territorial realities of the country - theterritorial organization - next to and together with which departments of very high and diversified specialization operate - thespecial organization. The focus of the institutional action is represented by the territorial organization, which ensures a constant and widespread vigilance and contact with the citizen and that, in turn, has its strong point in the molecular structure of the 4.581 StationsCarabinieri and 67 Tenencies, which, in fact, fully comply with the complex network of common 8.057s. The only stations have reported to the judicial authorities 384.524 people and they have taken 43.018 in arrest, pursuing almost 2 millions of crimes (1.987.922), which correspond to the 68,74% of the total complaints presented to all the departments and offices of the Police Forces (2.892.036 ).

THEterritory control activities, based on the widespread national distribution of Tenencies and Stations, has been expressed in more than 4.100.000 services, during which we proceeded to identify 18.584.601 people and control 13.982.060 vehicles. The action of these principals is further qualified by the 86.164 services carried out by the "District Carabiniere", Which operates in 610 neighborhoods of 102 provincial capitals and in other major cities 112.

A decisive contribution in the preventive sector is also offered by Radiomobili Nuclei who have performed over 215.000 interventions as well as trapped in 26.538 people arrest. The effectiveness of the device is increased by the coordination activity of the patrols carried out by the Operations Centers attested to the Provincial Commands and the Companies, which, through the "112" - identified as Single European Emergency Number - have ensured the response to almost 6 million requests received from citizens.

The territory control device has been reinforced with the average daily use of 147 units taken from Carabinieri Battalions, in addition to the military 284 in force at Operating Intervention Companies (CIO). In particular, the use of CIOs at national level has allowed an immediate response to emerging needs, in support of the preventive action and the contrast of territorial controls to common and organized crime.

Besides the general prevention activity, Arma has always paid particular attention to the road safety, along the over 648.000 Km of ordinary urban and extra-urban roads where the Institution, by virtue of its territorial structure, carries out an important control function. In the 2014, the services dedicated to road surveillance have required the use of 3.849.479 patrols who have ascertained 412.822 road traffic offenses. On the level ofaccidentinstead, 42.639 incidents were detected, which caused the death of 1.167 people and the injury of other 29.064.

The strengthening of territorial control also took advantage of the capabilities of 21 Nuclei dog lovers and of the Units at the main airport airports (which overall have carried out 7.342 services: from intervention in case of natural disasters, to the search for missing persons and drugs, to the detection of devices), selected shooters and to the anti-sabotage blasters on the occasion of major events, of the 1.856 patrols of the Carabinieri Regiment on Horseback in urban green areas and in the woods, and of the "Hunter" Squads Calabria and Sardinia, extremely useful in impervious natural environments, such as the mountainous areas of Sila and Barbagia. In 2014 the "hunters“Performed a total of 6.424 services, during which 362 people were arrested. Even in the skies and in inland waters, the Weapon's commitment was constant, as evidenced by the more than 4.293 operational flight missions carried out by the Nuclei helicopters present on the national territory and the 47.286 hours of navigation of the patrol boats supplied, which allowed, among other things, the rescue of 260 boats and 2.577 people in need. Of no less importance the contribution provided by Carabinieri of the "mountains"And come on divers. In the 2014, skiers e climbersthey ensured 15.092 services, while divers carried out 332 rescue and judicial police interventions.

The commitment in the sector ofpublic. In this context, the activity of the Arma has developed with constant commitment to heterogeneous phenomena, from street events to sports events, to ensure an adequate security framework, providing reinforcements, drawn from the Regiments and the Battalions, to 415.807 units (with a daily average of 1.139 military). The figure, however, does not fully illustrate the overall commitment of the Institution in the specific sector, where it is considered that the number of public order services performed by the territorial departments in the province is particularly significant, where the ARMA operates prevalently . In the last year, 432.558 Carabinieri of the Territorial Organization (with a daily average of military 1.185) were employed.

With reference tocontrast activitiesin the 2014, the Carabinieri have prosecuted 2.061.911 crimes, referring in total freedom to the Judicial Authority as 432.934 people and taking 73.958 subjects to arrest, including 49.117 in crime.

La fight against organized crime was conducted by the weapon on the three priority areas of the disarticulation of the consortium, the search for the most dangerous fugitives and the assault on illicit assets. The operational response developed along these strategic lines by the Special Operational Grouping in close synergy with the territorial Commands, in 2014, has led to the arrest of 788 subjects for Mafia association, the capture of 4 dangerous fugitives, as well as the seizure and confiscation of assets for an overall value, respectively, of 1.149 M € and 76 M €.

Also on the front of the subversive threat terrorist, the constant information link between the departments of the Territorial Organization and the ROS has made it possible to achieve significant results. The consolidated analytical skills acquired over the years by the ROS has proved to be an essential prerequisite for fully evaluating the possible evolutionary scenarios of the threat and, consequently, providing more effective means of contrast.

In this threat picture fits the institutional objective of the reinforcement of the investigative action achieved through the establishment of the "Preventive Measures" Sections in the Investigation Units of all Provincial Committees in the DDA, the reinforcement of the six anti-crime units of the ROS and the establishment, within the same, of the "Violent Crimes Department", which intervenes - in support of territorial devices - on the occasion of particularly heinous and complex crimes, which arouse the alarm of the community and determine understandable expectations of rapid and positive conclusion of the investigations.

The task of ensuring the maximum contribution of the forensic sciences to the traditional investigators is assigned instead to the specialists of the forensic sciencesGrouping Carabinieri Scientific Investigations (Ra.CIS), of the 4 Scientific Investigation Departments (RIS) of Rome, Parma, Messina and Cagliari and of the Scientific Investigation Sections (SIS), framed in the main provincial Commands, which, in 2014, have completed, as a whole, 17.206 investigations.

The panorama of the institutional structures devolved to the fight against illicit is completed by the specialized departments operating, within the framework of the division of the specialty sectors among the Police Forces, in close relationship with the territorial units, to safeguard the primary interests of the communitydirectly attributable to the quality of life.

The ARMA has carried out a highly qualified activity in the areas of specific competence, as demonstrated by the almost 60.000 inspections carried out by theCarabinieri Command for Health Protection, in the course of which 34.000 infringements were found and 142 persons arrested. The results achieved by the same are similar Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, which has recovered over 135.000 works of art under the over 183.000 checks performed. The activity carried out by the company is also of great importance Command for the Protection of the Environment, who in the past year has completed 2.534 controls, taking 33 people to arrest and deferring additional 1.166. The picture is completed by the action carried out by the Labor Inspection Units, not only to verify compliance with the accident prevention and social security legislation but also to curb the phenomena of illegal work and the use of illegal labor.

A similar inspection activity was carried out by the Carabinieri Agricultural and Food Policy Committee to protect consumers through checks on the production cycle in agriculture and on the genuineness of the products placed on the market. In the equally delicate sector of the prevention and the contrast to the false nummarium, the Carabinieri Anti-Falsification Monetary Command has arrested 388 people and referred other 695, seizing, among other things, counterfeit notes and counterfeit stamps for a total amount of over 131.000 euro, as well as counterfeit coins for a corresponding amount of X € million.

At a time marked by particular economic difficulties and the contraction of budgets and human resources, the Arma dei Carabinieri is, as always, strongly committed to continuing to guarantee a high level of safety for the citizen, aiming for maximum efficiency and economy. According to this objective, it was considered a priority to invest in the reconfiguration of the device, with particular regard to the reduction of expenses and the rationalization above all of the logistical, administrative and bureaucratic structures, in favor of the operations of the Departments. The rationalization work rests on the fact that all management activities are facilitated by the wide availability of electronic governance tools, the synthesis of a computerization project that has been tenaciously pursued over time and which today places the institution in a position of recognized avant-garde.

Although these applications are strategically important in carrying out the tasks assigned to the ARMA, they do not move the centrality of human resources in defining measures to protect public order and security. In line with this orientation, the Institution, which has always been attentive to the ethics and professionalism of its soldiers, is constantly engaged in interventions aimed at improving the quality of training.

Among the initiatives aimed at achieving higher standards of professionalism, theHigher Institute of Investigative Techniques, which since 2008 has provided for the specialization of judicial police officers, qualified to conduct the most complex investigations and to use the most sophisticated technological tools available today.

In the same direction moves the activity carried out by the Persecutors Acts Section of the Grouping Carabinieri Scientific Investigations, established in the 2009 in implementation of the memorandum of understanding signed by the Ministers for Equal Opportunities and Defense and made up of personnel with specific scientific skills, for the monitoring and analysis of the phenomenon of so-called "gender violence", purpose of supporting the territorial wards of the Arma from an investigative point of view.

The aforementioned Section has ensured, to date, through seminars and qualification modules, the training and training in the specific field of about 7.500 soldiers, in order to increase their preparation and ability in direct contact with victims of gender violence.

To this was added the realization, in the 2014, of a national network structured on 103 Judicial police officers at the level of provincial / Group Command, with certified expertise in the sector, which act as reference points for the departments involved in the development of investigations , as well as the connection with the aforementioned Section for a more complete appreciation of the cases under consideration.

The commitment in the operating theaters abroad is expressed by the 722 carabinieri employed in operations of support for peace, from Kosovo to the West Bank, from Afghanistan to Lebanon, to Somalia and Djibouti, as well as 435 carabinieri used to protect 126 diplomatic offices Italians in the world. The self-denial and courage of all the Carabinieri find special confirmation in the high blood contribution paid in the 2014: 1 carabiniere fell into service and wounded 2.040.


Fallen and injured in service in the 2014

Individual decorations to the military of the weapon

Fallen soldiers 1

Military injured:

- in firefights 1

- in public order services 64

- in other services 1.975



Rewards to the Flag of the Arma


Knight's crosses from the IMO:


Gold medals:


to the Military Valor


to the Army Valor


to the Civil Valor


to the merit of public health


to the Meritorious of the School, of Culture and of Art


to the Meritorious of the Environment


of Merit for the 1908 earthquake


to Civil Merit


of the National Civil Protection for the 2009 earthquake


Silver Medals:


to military Valor


to the Civil Valor


Bronze Medals:


to the Military Valor


War Crosses:


to the Military Valor


Individual decorations to the military of the weapon


Knight's crosses from the IMO:


Gold Medals:


to the Military Valor


to the Army Valor


at Valor di Marina


to the Value of the Carabinieri


to the Civil Valor


to Civil Merit


Silver Medals:


to the Military Valor


to the Army Valor


at Valor di Marina


to the Value of the Carabinieri


to the Civil Valor


to Civil Merit


Bronze Medals:


to the Military Valor


to the Army Valor


at Valor di Marina


to the Value of the Carabinieri


to the Civil Valor


to Civil Merit


Crosses and war crosses a al Valor Militare



Source: General Command of the Carabinieri