11/05/2015 - From 14 to 17 May, it will be held at the army headquarters, San Borja, Lima, Peru, la V International Fair of Technologies for Defense and Prevention of Natural Disasters (SITDEF 2015).
An opportunity not to be missed for all those companies that deal with Defense to present their products and get the necessary recognition on the scene of defense and security all over the world.
About 40.000 visitors from the South American continent, more than 429 representatives of the Armed Forces and official delegations from 30 countries. Hundreds of local and international journalists from major news networks and the media world.
An excellent opportunity to meet the main contractors, producers and potential buyers and also to appreciate the trends and points of reference of their offers.
"The new technologies, the future of the defense and security discipline, the new products will be shown in what will be a world premiere".
An excellent opportunity for companies and for negotiations one to one "on defense and security".
Exhibiting companies must meet two criteria:
• be domiciled in a country recognized by the international community;
• be a manufacturer, contractor, subcontractor, supplier, designer, developer, manufacturer, or maintenance specialist, deal with upgrading and operation of computers and related equipment, manufacturing or modifying equipment, tools and materials; experts in the development of high-tech companies, in applications and products, training, equipment and support for users, consulting and marketing services, sales, finance, etc.
Among the participants are also publishing houses and distributors of defense and security support.
Furthermore, in the context of the exhibition itself, it will be held Cybersecurity Expo 2015 which will bring together exhibitors and international experts who will also discuss the latest developments in the field of information security.
Maria Grazia Labellarte
(photo: Sitdef)