08/05/2015 - Also this year the Navy participates in the Open House event (# OHR2015), now in its fourth edition, opening its doors with free guided tours of Palazzo Marina, architect Giulio Magni's masterpiece.
Open House is an international event of architecture, art and culture that involves 28 cities in four continents. The 9 and the 10 may, the initiative allows the completely free opening of numerous historic buildings that are of great importance also from an architectural and artistic point of view.
The Palazzo della Marina was designed by the architect Giulio Magni, nephew of Valadier. The building is an impressive complex that extends to 31.000 square meters, of which 11.500 covered. The propileo of entry, which overlooks the river Tiber, is enriched by the anchors of two Austrian battleships: the Viribus Unitis, sunk during the First World War, and the Tegetthoff, a war prey delivered to Italy in the 1919 and dismantled, in the 1925, in La Spezia.
In the planning and realization of the environments the will to insert metaphorical elements linked to the sea predominates, as if the entire building were to be the decorated stage of the life of the Navy.
Palazzo Marina, located in Lungotevere delle Navi 17 in Rome, will be open on Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 May from 09.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00. Admission (free) will be allowed to 40 people every 45 minutes (total access disabled).
The visits can be booked through the website: www.openhouseroma.org or www.facebook.com/OpenHouseRM
Source: Military Navy