28 / 02 / 2014 - In the military field there is a center of excellence, the Military Center for Strategic Studies, which carries out studies and research based exclusively on "open sources", those of public access: newspapers, television, radio, web, reports, lectures, publications, etc.

27/02/2014 - There was a vote, a long time ago, the War School ...
Then the FFAA have unified resources and expertise to create a center of excellence - the Joint Higher Staff Office - for the training of future senior managers who will be able to work on an inter-agency level and above all on an international level.

21 / 02 / 2014 - "Until the end" is the motto that stands under the emblem of the 32esimo regiment genius guastatori of Turin and that's how they carry out their mission, "to the end".

27 / 01 / 2014 - The doctor-surgeon in charge of the Military Corps of the CRI, General Gabriele Lupini, wears the uniform from the 1977. Defense Online met him to understand what are the peculiarities, activities and prospects of an organization with almost 150 years of history behind it.

24/01/2014 - There is a reality in health care on battlefields and in calamities that arises with the rescue and assistance activities put in place by knights and religious in the Holy Land almost a thousand years ago (the current Military Corps was founded in 1877).

13 / 01 / 2014 - When we write the term "Iraq" on any search engine or online newspaper, the articles and comments that appear are to say the least dramatic and disheartening.

With the start of the publication of Online Defense I promised myself to elaborate on why, more than two decades after the fall of Saddam, that country appeared as a failed state, a "failed state".