Thursday - The Great War is nearby:

- The protection of the national railway network is entrusted to the military authority.

- Establishments, factories, plants, workshops, depots involving the Army and the Navy are placed under the direct supervision of the Military Authority.

Tuesday - The wheeled warning of 1a Explorer class arrives in Genoa on the same date and enters service.

Wednesday - In view of the many shipwrecks with victims that occur along the national coasts, Minister Ferdinando Acton establishes a committee of experts led by the captain of vessel Tommaso Bucchia with the participation of soldiers and civilians who practice professions in the maritime field, to study and propose a coastal organization with means suitable for rescuing and rescuing shipwreckers.

Thursday - The law is approved for the establishment of a naval academy in Livorno with the authorization of expenditure of 600.000 lire for the reclamation and adaptation of the hospital of San Jacopo, giving power to the government to sell for the benefit of the buildings of the Navy School of Naples and Genoa.

Monday - The torpedo cruiser Agordat under the command of the frigate captain Carlo Albamonte-Siciliano leaves Taranto for Sevastopol to transport the body of Lieutenant General Alessandro La Marmora, who died of cholera in Balaklava (Crimea), 7 in June 1855.

Thursday - It is approved the Regulations for the nursing uniform (afterwards with the 8 annex of the 1882 regulation it is reported in color), whose category badge is a caduceus superimposed on the degree.

Sunday - The units of the Permanent Team leave Gaeta for Messina and then proceed to the waters of the Levant where the political situation and various international interferences had created a dangerous tension (political-military crisis in the Balkan countries, friction of the Ottoman Empire with the nations European Disorders in Egypt) that required a significant flag presence for the protection of local national communities.

Wednesday - In the morning the 2a Squadron destroyer (nimbusKiteI hope, chief squadron the frigate captain Ernesto Solari up nimbus) to which the Dart and the Bersagliere, the escort of honor to the royal yacht takes place off Brindisi Hohenzollern which brings the sovereigns of Germany on an official visit to Italy.

Monday - A Spezia with the participation of the torpedo ship school Castelfidardo alla fonda in rada, of the former auxiliary ship Eridanus (radiata), at the bottom thrown into the dock of the Varignano and the torpedo cruiser Partenope in navigation, the first radiotelephony experiments took place with equipment designed and developed by the American physicist Lee De Forest installed on each of the three units.

Thursday - Taranto leave for the island of Crete the battleship Sardinia (commander, captain of vessel Enrico Nicastro) and the ram torpedo boat Giovanni Bausan (commander, captain of vessel Arturo Rolla) who will reach the next 13 in Suda.

Saturday - Based on the conclusions reached at the International Hour Conference held in Paris in October of the 1912, it is stipulated that all coastal stations in the Mediterranean should regulate the time daily according to the special signals issued by the Paris Observatory with transmission from Eiffel tower according to the procedures reported inList of Lighthouses and Lights of the Hydrographic Institute of the R. Marina of Genoa.

Thursday - With the decisive support of the inspector general of the Naval Engineers Benedetto Brin, is constituted the Company High Furnaces, Foundries and Steelworks of Terni (Saffat).

Sunday - The torpedo ram (cruiser protected according to the British naval terminology) enters service in Newcastle-on-Tyne (Great Britain) Giovanni Bausan placed under the command of the captain of vessel Tòmaso di Savoia, duke of Genoa.

Sunday - The seaplane-carrying ship Elba (commander, pilot frigate captain Ludovico de Filippi) is transferred from Taranto to Brindisi with the mission of using the supplied aircraft in aerial exploration tasks in favor of the Naval Army in the Lower Adriatic even if the reduced quantity of transportable seaplanes will represent one of the main limits for a continuous and therefore effective service.

Thursday - The armored cruiser arrives in Durres Giuseppe Garibaldi (commander, captain of vessel Ugo Rombo) to reinforce, with the cruisers Francesco Ferruccio e Varese already on the spot, the international naval force.

Wednesday - The battleship Francesco Morosini (commander, captain of ship Gustavo Colonna) flagship of the commander in chief of the Permanent Squadron, Vice Admiral Raffaele Noce, during the navigation along the western Ligurian Riviera crawls with the keel on the bench of Santo Stefano reporting failures not serious but they advise the return to La Spezia.

Saturday - The torpedo ship enters service in Venice Pietro Micca. Built in the Venice Arsenal with the setting in the 1875 and the 1 ° August 1876; of the displacement of 574 t, equipped with an alternative steam engine of the power of 571 hp powered by a coal boiler, had a speed of 17,5 knots and was armed only with six torpedo launchers from 356 mm.

Monday - Calabria cruiser (commander, frigate captain Carlo Spain), stationary ship in the Red Sea and in the Indian Ocean, leaves Mogadishu for the Antilles sent by the ministry to give protection to the compatriots following the serious political turbulence following the war between Mexico and United States.

Sunday - At the battleship of 31.400 t, head of three units, in a contract at the construction site of Castellammare di Stabia is imposed the name Francesco Caracciolo.

Thursday - The Operation Army is divided into three teams (battle, armored frigates, subsidiary, frigates and helicopter corvettes, siege, armored minor sailboats) with a flotilla of auxiliary units aggregated to the battle team .