Thursday - Coming to Santos the ram torpedoes Calabria (commander, frigate captain Mario Casanuova Ierserinch) during his fourth journey of circumnavigation after brief visits to some islands of the Lesser Antilles and Rio de Janeiro. During the stop the unit receives the order to be in San Francisco in the second half of October to participate in the festivities of the Portola Festival.
Calabria will leave Santos after a week, the 29, and with South heading will head for the Strait of Magellan by stopping in Montevideo, Buenos Aires and Punta Arenas.
[The Portola Festival is an event that originates from the grateful memory of the Californians towards Don Gaspare de Portola, first governor of California and discoverer of the San Francisco Bay. For the Californians, however, these parties, while in the details of their development were nothing but a continuous memory of the Portolian discovery, aimed in their true meaning to glorify the rapid and wonderful reconstruction of the city after the earthquake and the disastrous fire of 1906]
Source: Military Navy