22/09/2014 - The Caliphate project, which today seems to be something born suddenly from the ashes of a defeated Iraq and only to reaffirm the role of the Sunnis in the Islamic world, is instead something that has begun to present itself on the world stage since 2004.

19/09/2014 - Islam does not have a center, a command structure, some authority that helps the believer to interpret the sacred scriptures by giving them the appropriate meaning. For this reason, the contents of Islamic sacred texts can be proposed, as is the case today, in an instrumental way to justify even bloody terrorist actions, in particular through Islamic culture centers and mosques around the world.

15/09/2014 - We have been dealing with the all-Italian tragicomedy of the marò case for almost three years now. After this lapse of time, two compatriots in uniform are still at the mercy of a foreign country whose judiciary has not yet managed to start the illegitimate trial of two soldiers who until now have obeyed orders with a rare, indeed unique, composure.

15/09/2014 - (Message sent by email to the Prime Minister)

Dear Sir, I had the opportunity to read your twitter launched at the time of the news of the concession of the Indian Court to the Rifleman of Marina Massimiliano Latorre to be able to spend a 4-month convalescence in Italy.

10/09/2014 - Italy is tired of being considered the last nation in the world by India.

Someone must defend our national dignity. We are tired!!!

09/09/2014 - In the affair of the two marines, the questionable decision of the Monti government to send Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone back to India was followed by the deafening silence of the Letta government, broken only by faint statements by Bonino on the "Unproven innocence" of two soldiers and a sudden awakening in January from the hibernation of the Defense and Foreign Committees which, through the mouths of their presidents, suddenly called for the internationalization of the case.

06/09/2014 - Frontex  is a European Agency established for the management and control of the borders of the European Union, in particular the maritime ones with the aim of stemming the phenomena of illegal immigration, illicit trade, in particular that of human beings towards the countries of the Union.

03/09/2014 - For over two years on the story of the two forgotten navy riflemen in India, we have been accustomed to hearing only words and promises every day without ever seeing concrete results.

31/08/2014 - Dr. Danilo Taino on 29 August proposed in SEVEN of the Corriere della Sera an interesting analysis on the Indian political situation after the Narenda Modi elections, trying to identify the possible positive or negative repercussions that could derive from it for the solution of the affair of the two marines.

22/08/2014 - I understand that as soon as my thoughts have been published in the editorial "??Resolving initiative or dangerous front operation? “", the same it has been the subject of careful reading and precise details.

21/08/2014 - The controversy that has arisen in recent days about the sending of Ak to the Kurds besieged by the forces ofIsis in Iraq they make me smile not so much in relation to the goodness and effectiveness of weapons, but in relation to the Italian vice of recent times (someone will say years, someone else centuries ...) not to expose themselves courageously taking a clear and strong political position.

20/08/2014 - It has been announced a few days ago that Italy will provide weapons to the Kurds to defend themselves from the forces of the "Islamic Caliphate". At the time of writing, it is being discussed at the competent chamber and senate commissions while it seems that Minister Pinotti has already viewed the material stored in an underground deposit in Sardinia accompanied by the highest military leaders.

19/08/2014 - The summer heat, although not suffocating, helped to divert the attention of Italians to the story of Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone abandoned by Italy to the undue judgment of a third state.

05 / 08 / 2014 - In times of heated discussions on military spending, on further cuts to the F-35, on the case of the two marines still in India, but especially after witnessing the ceremony of commemoration of the slaughter and release, after 47 days of imprisonment, of the major (today general) Bellini at the time of the first Gulf War (v. article), I compare spontaneously with what the 23 armed forces were years ago.

22/07/2014 - Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone have been hostage in India for about 900 days. Two governments have followed one another since with an unexpected decision the Monti government sent them back to India on March 22, 2013, perhaps also in conflict with precise constitutional constraints.

21 / 07 / 2014 - The 15 February 2012 has begun the sad affair that sees two Italian soldiers from about 900 days abandoned by the State to the undue judgment of a third State. More than two and a half years during which everything happened, above all facts that have seen institutional representatives as protagonists and that have never been clarified or even motivated despite the lack of transparency that distinguished them.

18/07/2014 - The country in the world with the least widespread military culture is probably Italy. By "culture" I do not mean the one contained in the mind of some expert or in dusty bookstores, I mean the popular one, the one available among ordinary people, the knowledge one could draw on at the counter of a bar in the morning.

10/07/2014 - Months ago one of the major Italian newspapers, referring to the thought of the then Minister Bonino on the affair of the two marines, titled "The innocence of the marines is not ascertained". I was appalled as I would have expected a different phrase from an Italian minister such as "the guilt of the marines has not been established".

07/07/2014 - It was time, we couldn't take it anymore. After years of imaginative refrains about Islamic extremist fanatics and the establishment of their elusive caliphate, we now have both.

But there is more, after too much time without a "supercattive", a cartoon character Marvel, the televisions have delivered to us a few days ago directly at home.

04/07/2014 - The analysis that I have carried out since that distant February 15, 2012 has induced certainties and doubts in me. To tell the truth, more perplexity than conviction for how the whole affair has been dealt with over time.