25 / 03 / 2014 - Today the Navy appears under investigation because, last November 9, from one of its ships were firing shots that stopped a boat with on board 16 illegal Egyptian criminals who had just left in the middle of the Mediterranean 176 unfortunates piled up inhumanly over a barge.
22/03/2014 - Today a year has passed since our Navy Fusiliers were ordered to return to India and were taken back to Delhi delegating to India the right to exercise undue action against them criminal.
19/03/2014 - On 11 March 2013, the then foreign minister, Ambassador Giulio Terzi, warned the Italian diplomatic offices around the world that Italy had decided to initiate international arbitration.
13/03/2014 - Parliamentarians, Senators, Presidents of Commissions in the last week of last January seemed to have woken up from a lethargy that lasted 24 months that had prevented them from learning that two Navy Fusiliers had been handed over to Indian Justice Italian military to be tried for the hypothesis of a crime punishable in India with the death penalty.
12/03/2014 - Responding to a letter has never represented an obligation for anyone, only an act of courtesy that generally in a civil society does not come to anyone.
A truth that is handed down over time, rooted in cultures where the comparison of ideas is a source of democratic growth.
26/02/2014 - On February 24, the Indian Attorney General E. Vahanvati made official to the Supreme Court that for the case of the two marines the government is in favor of abandoning the His act for the repression of piracy, but at the same time reconfirmed the request that the indictments be formulated by the Nia.
18/02/2014 - Today yet another postponement (February 24) of the Supreme Court hearing to decide which law to apply against Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone and which charges - still not formalized after 24 months.
14/02/2014 - From 11 March 2013 the then Minister Terzi had made it official that the affair of the two marines had to be managed with recourse to international arbitration and had made the intention official also to India through a verbal note.
10/02/2014 - As we had predicted, the Indian Supreme Court has postponed its decision to February 18. Another week of evaluations to determine whether to apply the His act against Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone by declassifying the crime from murder to act of violence at sea.
09/02/2014 - Tomorrow the Indian Supreme Court should issue the decisive verdict on how it will proceed on the judicial level against the two of our Navy Fusiliers ceded from Italy to India for undue criminal action and against all dictates of international law and of that agreement.
08/02/2014 - We are approaching the second year of absence from Italy of Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, without anyone guaranteeing them the minimum respect for human rights, first of all that of having denied personal freedom without justified reason.
03 / 02 / 2014 - Just two days ago, our government had assured that, in the event of the absence of the indictments, by today, 3 February, the two marines would return to Italy. Another hope faded into nothingness with India that continues to make beautiful and bad weather.
25/01/2014 - On January 17th, with italic fury, the media reported the ships laden with poisons that were approaching the Italian coasts and granted ample space to the meeting of Premier Letta with the Governor of Calabria and with the mayors of the towns that gravitate near the port of Gioia Tauro.
23/01/2014 - Minister Bonino on 11 November had deserted the Europe - Asia meeting (ASEM) held in Delhi and had limited the Italian representation, in an international context that instead hosted 37 Foreign Ministers, to participation only of an Official of the Farnesina, not even a Director General of a geographical area.
21 / 01 / 2014 - Yesterday Minister Mauro spoke on the Marò case at the 1 GR13: 00: "The Supreme Court of India recognizes the validity of the Italian grievances, because it was the Supreme Court that annulled the first verdict, considered unjust, and above all recognizes that for too long it is not true of the accusations to our Navy Riflemen.
11/01/2014 - After yesterday's worrying news from India on the possible application of the death penalty to our two Fusiliers of Marina Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, the spotlight of the Italian media up to now detached from the problem suddenly came on , with the exception of only two newspapers that have continuously informed us.
09/01/2014 - This afternoon there was a small protest demonstration in front of the Saudi embassy in Rome. The meeting was organized to ask for the release of Saudi journalist and blogger Raif Badawi.