14/07/2015 - The ANSA news of 13 July that India is about to accept the Italian request for international arbitration has suddenly awakened a long lethargy that involved many politicians and information representatives.

In fact, these are roaring words that are submerging us to announce an almost impossible success. Today 's decisions, the Farnesina supports, confirm the consolidation of the arbitration process undertaken by Italy on June 26 ", forgetting that the international initiative in itinere had already been prepared and was ready since 18 March 2013, suddenly canceled by the Government of the moment.

Forgetfulness or communication choices?

The second hypothesis would appear more plausible considering that the announcements of that day are still online on the website of the MFA (more).

We have mentioned this several times but faced with the unexplainable omissions of information that seem to afflict a great many Italian media outlets, it is considered very opportune to put in place an ancient recommendation, ?? repeating helps?

Today even on the pages of Corriere della Sera the dott. Taino highlights this choice with unequivocal words as normal? Above all, a normal choice has been confirmed in litigation between States, which does not necessarily involve harsh confrontations but which instead has the possibility of creating clarity. It also adds in a statement yesterday, the Italian foreign ministry claimed that the decision of the Indian government to participate in the arbitration and lengthening of Latorre's stay in Italy ?? - «although for a shorter period than the one requested by us»?? - confirm "the consolidation of the arbitration path undertaken by Italy on June 26"??, but forgetting to point out that we lost more than two years to the total damage of our soldiers.

Imprecision not shared by the writer like me by passion and not by profession. I prefer, therefore, to remember those distant days because I consider them a fundamental part in the whole affair. Facts that in my humble opinion stigmatize the 'absolute indifference of someone who at the top of the state preferred to make choices of opportunities preferring the defense of economic interests reputed to prevail over that of human and legal rights of two Italian citizens involved in problems resulting from • State assignments ?? L '' I did on several occasions and not last today with a thought published by the head ?? InTerris ?? that I propose again: http://www.interris.it/2015/07/14/66301/intervento/maro-due-anni-buttati-via.html

Two Governments have succeeded since that March of 2013, many words but zero facts. Today we return to walk a road that had been opened in the past, hailing it as a political success resulting from careful diplomatic work, but we fail to analyze a sentence by the representative of the Indian Government (Solicitor General), Ranjit Kumar, who specified 'another to the ANSA ?? that India "will participate to tell the referees that the jurisdiction is ours and not Italy".

Many declarations, not least that of the honorable Fabrizio Cicchitto (NCD) that at 'ANSA spoke of "significant steps fruit of a difficult job both by the government and by this government," forgetting that everything had been prepared and started more than two years ago.

When is a parliamentary inquiry committee?

Fernando Termentini