04/07/2015 - It has been 4 months that the national media have offered us the "game of poker" between the European Union and Greece almost daily, filled with details almost always aimed at highlighting the political initiatives of someone at the Italian institutional level.
Almost an uninterrupted homage including the prominence given to the last act of Merkel's empire that in fact has closed, at least for the moment, the doors to Greece. A communication commitment that perhaps made us forget to inform citizens about something very important. The definitive approval by the Chamber of Deputies of the law on forced withdrawal on private current accounts in favor of any banks in distress.
A law derived from a European directive that was based on what was previously implemented on the "skin" of the citizens of Cyprus, precisely to save the Cypriot banks. With the law approved, no details have been given at the institutional level at least up to now, silence accompanied by the "respectful" quiet of the media, both paper and video. Only a few flashes published on July 3 in the newspaper "Il Tempo" (page 17) and in the newspaper specialized in financial problems, Il Sole 24 Ore (http://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/finanza-e-mercati/2015-07-03/banche-caso-salvataggio-pagheranno-prima-privati-104631.shtml?uuid=ACmHkDL&fromSearch).
Something instead appeared on the Web almost in real time, published by bloggers and online newspapers that still try to keep alive the right of expression of free thought. I join them by not accepting what we could call "state silence" as I do not consider it acceptable that in an advanced democracy the media adapt to an obscuration "wanted from above" worthy of the best traditions of the former Soviet Union and some other modern state that still refers to models of an anachronistic past and disowned by history.
A first question therefore. We are faced with a lack of information or, rather, an omission of information piloted on important aspects such as a law that - at least as far as we know - would affect the savings of millions of Italians. People who during a working life have worked hard to guarantee a small / large heritage based on sacrifices and careful management of their budget.
A few details, therefore, to better understand. Europe first and then Italy have decided to ensure certain resources to banks in financial distress even if derived from speculative management. First of all, the choice of using ECB funds granted at zero interest rate and not used to favor the national production process but to earn through investments in derivatives rather than on government bonds issued by countries at risk of insolvency such as Greece. Perhaps one of the major banks that could find themselves in this condition in the event of a Greek collapse is the German Deutsch Bank accompanied by Italian banks already overwhelmed by substantial losses for investments in "derivatives".
All the hypotheses are legitimate in the absence of national information and can be refuted only by certain information and certainly not by institutional silence. The silence, in fact, does not pay but leaves the doors open to the most varied evaluations that certainly at a time of economic hardship such as the current do not induce confidence in Italian families in favor of economic recovery.
It is hard to have no doubts reading the 3 July "L'Chamber of Deputies approved definitively the law of the European delegation 2014 that incorporates 58 European directives, adapts the national legislation to 6 EU regulations and implements 10 framework decisions. The yes were 270, 113 i no, 22 the abstained, as detailed in the link http://www.gazzettadellasera.com/la-grande-rapina-e-servita-il-pd-fa-approvare-alla-camera-in-via-definitiva-il-prelievo-forzoso-dei-soldi-dai-cc/#sthash.EMlXMeEo.dpuf.
News also resumed also from the blog of Grillo and declarations of 2 July of the honorable Giorgia Meloni, on Facebook: “Renzi continues to pay the lace to the lobbies that have placed it at Palazzo Chigi: today in the House the Pd and the majority are voting the forced withdrawal on current accounts higher than the 100 thousand euros to save the banks from the default. Indecent and scandalous (http://www.ecplanet.com/node/4694).
It all materialized on 2 July immediately after our premier's meeting with Merkel in Germany on 1 July. Coincidence? A case? There is no certainty but what is certain that the dates lead to hypothesize this and more.
Again in the absence of clarifications or possible official denials, other doubts are added. First of all, one is led to think that what has been approved is a strategic economic move agreed between the political parties that have contributed to approving the law and the bankers and lobbies of international dimension connected to structures such as the Bielderberg and the Trilateral or participated by those that on 2 June 1992 they met aboard the yacht Britannia to negotiate in an absolutely confidential manner the management of world economic resources.
We are therefore faced with an institutional silence accompanied by the consent of the media which has become a usual and prevalent behavior in this case and for other important events for Italy. One for all, the story of the two marines began more than 1200 days on which nothing or very little is clarified. Even recently the most total confusion on the occasion of the announcement of the recourse to international arbitration provided for by the UNCLOS Convention of the sea. Sparse press agencies accompanied by a few lines in national newspapers without specifying fundamental aspects relating to the form of the arbitration itself. A detail of no small importance if only because if the path of Consensual Arbitration were chosen, the two soldiers would continue to be hostage to India and not entrusted, instead, to a Third State if the compulsory form had been chosen.
Thus the constitutionally relevant facts passed under silence. A law that would authorize the banks to repay the financial disasters with the money of the citizens and the delivery of two Italian soldiers to the undue judgment of a Third State, in whose order it envisages the death penalty, as happened with 22 March 2013 for the two marines .
A lack of clarification supinely accepted by the major national media that does not do honor to a nation like Italy, the guardian of a democracy conquered by the sacrifice of its citizens and that now politics tries to obscure by resorting to "one-party" structures, however not elective but imposed.
Fernando Termentini
(photo: bundeskanzlerin.de)