15/06/2015 - I love my country, I love my homeland, a land that holds the remains of those who preceded us, I love Italy steeped in traditions and culture, but I reject the lack of frankness of those who manage the "public affairs" by promising a lot and making little reality .
I am therefore disdained in front of what every day my nation proposes through modern means of communication that, in real time, reach the most recondite areas of the earth. The photograph of a reality that in a flash clears the founding values of our country consolidated over the centuries by the "Great Italians", and which have often been points of reference for the whole world. The representation of a state in which words have the upper hand over everything, leaving problems unresolved and proposing a national objectivity poor in content on a daily basis.
A reality that is touched by the 22 February 2014. Promises to no end starting from the case of our two Navy Riflemen abandoned in India by more than 1200 days to get to the management of the reception of migrants passing through the steps in which they were announced successes of the Italian role in Europe, unfortunately remained at the level of edicts never materialized. An Italy that despite the assurances of its leader continues to be little listened to in Europe as shown, for example, the exclusion of our country from the management of the problem of the possible default of Greece despite being part of the G7.
On a daily basis, on the other hand, we are presented with a super-listened nation in Europe, starting from the problems of economic policy to arrive at the contingency of the management of the macro problem of migratory flows. An illusion that is passed off as something real, denied, however, daily by the facts that give back to the world a picture of shameful and scandalous situation in which the dominant colors are corruption and improvisation.
What happens every day on the subject of immigration confirms that the much vaunted political victories have so far led to a single result: Europe ignores the Italian political pressure and the rights of a Member State that marks the southern borders of the Old Continent. Instead, it cares to scuttle our budgets with an exasperated accounting approach, sometimes imposing penalizing measures, but at the same time does not oblige all the other Member States to take part in the reception. Rather, it looks with indifference at the initiatives of those who reject migrants from their borders, ready to sanction Italy for "poor humanitarian spirit" as happened when our country adopted measures to combat illegal immigration. The same EU that more willing to contribute to increase its flows by collecting thousands of fugitives on the Libyan coast and then disembarking on the Italian coast while aware that the large part has no right to refugee status.
The reality we are experiencing is disappointing and mortifying just as it is proposed only through promises and words not accompanied by facts. To welcome means to receive people and to host them by providing them assistance and at the same time guaranteeing security to their citizens. What is happening demonstrates something else. Who arrives is crowded where it happens, without preparing a minimum of organized structures such as, for example, temporary settlements with tent camps and / or housing modules, which we are masters to realize when they have had to host for years Italian families affected by earthquakes and floods.
At the same time it states that control and security is guaranteed as regards the recognition and health control of those arriving, but it is allowed that unknown people refuse to be registered with photographs and fingerprinting and, as is happening, allowing which disperses itself anonymously on the national territory against every PS rule and civil coexistence.
A simplistic approach that perhaps represents one of the main reasons why other EU nations hinder the transit of strangers who try to fit into other social realities of the Union and of which Italy is not even able to provide certain elements of recognition .
Probably, less promises and more concrete and credible actions could contribute to induce EU countries to agree to contribute in managing the specific emergency. First of all, showing that Italy is able to ensure compliance with international rules on refugee governance (Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951) guaranteeing to European partners the availability of unequivocal references for the recognition and control of those who want to reach other destinations of the Old Continent.
Promising only or passing off as correct what in fact proves to be fallacious and often unfair, is not paying. Rather, it creates the conditions for our country to lose credibility every day in Europe and internationally, to the total damage of our economy and our security.
Fernando Termentini
(photo: web)