28/05/2015 - Since the first Gulf War in Italy there has been talk in Italy of the toxicity of impoverished uranium (DU), nuclear waste used for the production of projectiles with high piercing power.
In the years that followed, the problem emerged on the harmful effects that DU could cause in humans, also involving various experts in the field of oncology medicine. At the beginning skepticism about the environmental dangers induced that, however, over time and in front of the evidence, has progressively decreased, leaving open spaces for comparison on the obvious diseases that over time afflicted the military and the civilian population, who came into contact with DU powder.
Immediately after the Balkan war, on the occasion of which Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Kosovo were NATO targets for DU munition attacks and a clear increase in oncological diseases afflicting soldiers who had operated in those and other areas where they had been employed similar material of war and were saturated with heavy dust from heavy metals resulting from the armed conflict (Somalia, Kuwait on the border with Iraq, etc.), the interest of the international community has been more and more interested in the problem, inducing many countries to to produce unequivocal studies on the dangers of DU, also urging the United Nations to finance real Survey campaigns to ascertain and quantify the damage produced. A summary of the main documents is shown in the hundreds of pages published at the links:
Only Italy continued and continues to be skeptical about harmful effects, with a counter-current approach compared to most of the NATO countries. From the beginning, at least as far as I know, even without issuing directives on the problem.
Only in November 1999 a first circular of the NBC School of Italian FFAA in which reference was made to the dangers of DU, while continuing in some institutional sectors to question the harmful effects on health. A sort of self-defense that over the years has led to rebounding the problem between various parliamentary commissions, sustaining high costs and without reaching certain conclusions, unequivocal and competing, despite that in the meantime the Italian courts issued sentences in favor of the injured. The latest recent deposited the 5 March 2015 (1307 / 2010 of the RG) in which in summary the Judge signs "the unequivocal certainty" of the causal link between exposure to the toxic substance and the disease arising in the military. A conclusion reached by the judging panel using the opinion of national experts and referring to international documents referred to above.
One remains, therefore, perplexed by the institutional attempt not to recognize the damaging effects of the DU and the insistence in continually revising parliamentary commissions that affirm everything and the opposite of everything, perhaps not to disappoint some political leaders.
It is therefore natural to ask whether a certain Italian political class is more intelligent than others or if, rather, we try to obscure a problem that could be relevant for someone and for the State.
Perplexities that only the word of the experts can dispel and for this I propose an analysis of dr. Stefano Montanari, scientific director of the Nanodiagnostics Laboratory, thanking him on behalf of all those who are looking for the truth and who, fulfilling his duty as a military, has stumbled into the damage caused by the DU.
Fernando Termentini
The dott. Montanari writes:
It is now more or less ten years from when, by pure chance, looking for military scientific material, I happened on a document of the American army. They were 21 pages dating back to November 1978 compiled by the Air Force Armament Laboratory and referred to the 06CD0101 project held between October 1977 and October 1978 at the Eglin military base in Florida.
According to the document, in that center had been fired projectiles then experimented with depleted uranium and had collected the fine and ultrafine powders generated by the phenomenon at high temperature. The photographs of electron microscopy that accompanied the text were quite similar to ours of many years later and they were unequivocal: from those impacts they generated very small inorganic particles that the authors of the text, after having described the behavior in the atmosphere of the particulate, clearly suspected they were very dangerous for human health.
I'm not a soldier and I do not know how the internal machine works, but it seems to me at least curious that the document did not arrive on Italian tables. After all, we are allies of the US and, after all, that document I did not find it by breaking into a safe or insinuating myself into a super-secret computer, but simply looking on the Internet from my home.
Anyone who has a minimum, but really a minimum, of technical preparation would have realized the 'aggressiveness of that type of armament and, if you wanted to use it in spite of the fact that stuff remains in the' environment for omnia saecula saeculorum, travels for huge distances and attacks populations far from war in time, in space and in involvement as a nation, would at least endow its troops with personal protection tools suitable to not inhale the dust. It was really the minimum.
Instead, at least for our soldiers, it was not like that. We went to the war or, if you prefer, on a peace mission, totally discovered and our boys were playing the stuff. Impossible then that they did not get sick and, on time, the disease and in many cases death came.
Moving now to the officials' desks, one wonders if that document has arrived or not. If so, as I think it is obvious, we must ask ourselves who he is through whose hands he has passed. At this point the cases are different. The first is that he knew English as the Alberto Sordi of ??Americano a Roma??. If so, what he occupied was not his place. Or, second possibility, that did not have the cultural preparation to understand even the most basic of concepts. Even then his job would be another. Third case: it was an imbecile. And here there is no more to discuss. In each of the circumstances a serious responsibility falls on whoever put that character behind that desk.
Now, moving again, and this time in the laboratory, for years there are no more scientific doubts. We began to see it at the beginning of the nineties and we see it in cases, military or civil cases that are, that we analyze: those powders are terribly pathogenic and a widespread class of disease is cancer in its many varieties. The affected organ is due more or less to the case, even if the lymphatic system, a sort of sewage system of the organism, is the most often affected part. Even the slowest and most conservative scientists have not been doubting for a long time: the powders trigger the most various diseases. The official sick among Italian soldiers are thousands and the hundreds are already dead. And if I say officers it is because sick and dead outside of paperwork, stamps and signatures are certainly more. Those who become ill, in fact, not rarely keep their hidden condition so as not to lose their jobs. Yes, because the military is not joking: if you are not suitable for the service it may be that you throw yourself out and, if you want to survive, you will have to go and look for a job, with all this for a sick person especially in the current economic situation.
With the speed that distinguishes the administration of Italian justice in the civilized world, already thirty judgments have been issued: the diseases are due to those powders of which I said and the employer, read the State, must pay an indemnity , indemnity that, being serious conditions, it is not light. This is what the courts say.
So the Italian state, notoriously on the verge of bankruptcy, does everything to evade its moral duties first and then legal. And, then, delays and oppositions nothing short of extravagant are the norm. It even came, was October 2011, to call a handful of so-called scientists at the headquarters of the CNR in Rome to tell them, someone strong of an Italian? She does not know who I am? and some grotesquely boyish experiments that had nothing to do with the matter, that the powders are as innocent as lambs. The science known for centuries? That of current discoveries? The laws in force at the international level? All stuff to delete.
I realize that now it becomes challenging to cope with the trouble that has been combined, but we have no alternative. If the state claims a moral credibility, credibility, however, repetitive shake in a thousand and one circumstance, can not hide cowardly and blow a ?? "arrange!" ?? in the face of workers who, due to a superficiality that later turned out to be criminal, sent to the slaughterhouse. It should have been avoided. It was not done. And then, you pay.
Dott. Stefano Montanari, Scientific Director of the Nanodiagnostics Laboratory, Modena
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