18/05/2015 - Palmira is safe. After being in suspense for days we can relax and go back to talking full time about something else. The news of the retreat of the troops of the Islamic State from the ruins of the Roman city on Silk Road (heritage of humanity!) is not only good news for the good world, it is above all for us Italians.

There is often talk of fears about the arrival of ISIS in Italy too, with its barbarian clippers. After Palmira it is now certain that our country will be an unbeatable superpower.

For the indomitable war spirit of the Italians?

For the unquestionable preparation of our armed forces?

For the "ray of death"?

None of this. It is because we are the nation with more monuments in the loader.

The war in Syria has been discussed with disinterest for years. After all, a quarter of a million deaths are little compared to the huge scourge of devastated archaeological finds.

The day that will come to us then the attention of the "civil" world will not be catalyzed by the brutal daily massacre of our relatives or friends, it will be from the threats brought to our cultural heritage. And no country in the world has more than us!

Of course, the feeling that we will feel in hearing that an international coalition has intervened to save the Colosseum or avenge a captured Swiss pilot will not comfort us for the loss of so many dear ones. The important thing will be to survive and thank - who knows what pages of History - for the enlightened intervention.

Beyond sarcasm, I would like to pause for a few minutes to reflect on the sacrifice of the 123 Syrian soldiers who gave their lives to stop ISIS terrorists in the Palmira area.

Because they did not do it for the ruins, they gave everything they had for their homeland.

But at least they - unlike their opponents - knew deserve it for what they were fighting ...

Andrea Cucco