24/04/2015 - Yesterday, what was decided by the extraordinary European Council convened to tackle the problem of migrants, once again highlighted how our national sovereignty is sold off to the highest bidder for 30 denarii, renouncing to demand concrete respect from the other countries of the European Union.
22 March 2013 happened, when our two Navy Riflemen were sent back to India to defend the economic interests of restricted lobbies so they could continue doing business with Delhi. Evaluations, however, disavowed by the facts when the Indian Premier MODI, recently visiting Europe, has close economic relations with France and Germany and has completely ignored Italy.
Nonetheless, we will agree to host Indian representations at the Milan Expo - as reported by some media outlets. The Indian consul Verma, in fact, tell us that he declared that "The Expo will allow us to showcase our skills in various segments, our" best practices ", the progress we have made in terms of sustainability, environment, technology. "(Http://expo2015notizie.it/blog/expo2015-grandi-temi/9881/le-tre-sfide-dellindia-a-expo/).
And now the last act that confirms how our state is now oriented to accept the little that is granted by the EU, so as not to annoy the European partners and to survive in everyday life. Our Premier, in fact, declared himself satisfied with what was achieved in the European Council and said that "a great step forward" had been taken.
What is the great success is not immediately understandable, as the enthusiasm of our Prime Minister can not be shared. In fact, the only thing that Europe approved was the increase in the funds allocated to finance the operation Triton and to confirm the refusal of the reception of migrants, leaving once again Italy alone to face the emergency.
A satisfaction that derives, therefore, only from the announcement that four pennies will arrive to keep the naval aerial device currently operational in place, demonstrating once again that we are willing to bow our heads in front of a few crumbs, giving up pretending that once and for all the "Holding Europa" recognizes the southern coasts of Italy as its borders.
With redundancy it was announced that the funds will be tripled forgetting however to clarify that the economic aid will not reach all of Italy but will be destined to support the commitment of the new realities that will become part of the operative device of Triton (English means , Germans, French and Lithuanians) and to pay other Frontex officials who will surely take advantage of the opportunity to consolidate their positions as bureaucrats engaged in collecting only statistical data, disregarding the purpose of establishing the Agency which should coordinate the patrolling of external air borders , maritime and land-based states of the EU.
It is therefore difficult to share this "national pride" for the results achieved. The increase in funding, in fact, can hardly be used for the management of migrants on the Italian territory and certainly will not cover the costs of depreciation of Italian air-naval vessels engaged for more than two years daily at sea.
What success Italy has achieved is not clear. On the other hand, it is clear that political success is once again confused with meager and uncertain economic returns, confirming that our country is now on sale.
Fernando Termentini
(photo: Council Presidency / European Council)