24/07/2015 - Al Mansouri, as part of the activities carried out in support of local Lebanese institutions, the ITALBATT Task Force, based on the "Genova Cavalleria" Regiment (4 '), launched a Information Technology Program in favor of the public schools of South Lebanon, in view of the next school year.

In particular, the specialist telecommunications team, led by the Civil-Military Cooperation Cell, has planned a series of interventions aimed at monitoring and maintaining the equipment of the computer rooms of the local schools. At present, around 40 computers of the public schools of Majdal Zoun, As Samayah and of the Technical Institute "Jabal Amel" of Burj Ash Shamali have been repaired.

The school principals expressed words of deep appreciation towards the Task Force for the continuous support to the educational system of South Lebanon. They stressed how the rehabilitation of computer rooms will allow them to continue their school programs for young students.

These activities are an integral part of the daily efforts of the ITALBATT Task Force, led by Colonel Giovanni Biondi, to support local institutions in southern Lebanon, with particular attention to young students and in full respect of the UN 1701 Resolution.

Source: Unifil