03/06/2015 - Last Saturday the rear admiral Alfonso Gómez Fernández de Córdoba visited ship Grecale, inserted into the 465 CTF device as part of the operation Atalanta, on patrol in the waters of the Gulf of Aden.

Admiral Gomez reached the unit with the ship's organic AB212 helicopter Grecale who has transhipped the Task Force commander from flag ship ESPS Galicia, where the "headquarters" of the 465 Task Force resides.

The admiral was accompanied on board by three other officers belonging to his staff including the military chaplain of the Spanish unit.

During the visit on board, the Spanish admiral had the opportunity to deepen the knowledge of the commander and his crew, the technical-operative characteristics of the Italian unit and in particular the activity carried out operation scope Atalanta from the 17 February, day of entry into the Task Force.

Subsequently, the commander of the TF465 wanted to meet the crew deployed on the flight deck, to thank the men and women of ship Grecale for the work done in the long period of participation in the operation and to express their deep appreciation for how they have been conducted and completed all the tasks required for the unit during the 102 days of the mission Atalanta hitherto performed, effectively contributing to preventing the proliferation of piracy activities, in order to ensure the security of trade routes and stability in the Somali and Indian Ocean Basins.

Source: Military Navy