25/05/2015 - Cooperation between the Lebanese judicial system and the UNIFIL mission represents one of the fundamental conditions for ensuring the maintenance of peace and stability in Lebanon.

This is what emerged from the meeting, in recent days in Beirut, of the general of division Luciano Portolano, Head of Mission and Force Commander of UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) with the highest offices of the Lebanese judiciary system including Jean Fahed, president of the Supreme Council of Magistracy.

In particular, General Portolano underlined how the full implementation of the mandate of the 1701 resolution can only be achieved in compliance with the law and the institutions. This is demonstrated by the increase in the number of legal proceedings for crimes committed against UNIFIL personnel, and more generally against the 1701 Resolution, which has contributed not only to increasing the security of the mission operation area but also to reaffirming the presence of the gorverno in South Lebanon.

On the sidelines of the meeting, President Fahed thanked General Portolano for his work and expressed his appreciation for the work and sacrifices that the UNIFIL blue helmets have supported, and continue to support, for the maintenance of peace .

Source: UNIFIL - PIO magg. Paolo Lafiosca