23/04/2014 - In recent years, Americans have placed a lot of faith in drones, believed to be able to eliminate emerging global threats: low-risk and cheap devices. The US government continues to invest billions of dollars to make armed drones the central axis of US power projection around the world.

18/04/2014 - In the military environment we often wonder about the characteristics that must be the main baggage of every good commander, the sector literature and history in this regard provide considerable insights that can undoubtedly be taken as a reference.

13/04/2014 - The tenth closing lesson of the demodoxalogy-osint course is all aimed at giving some historical and practical insights to be able to master the subject.

13 / 04 / 2014 - The military opposition between NATO and the Russian Federation, on the occasion of the events in Ukraine, has brought to mind the nuclear nightmare, making a Russian device rise to the news whose constitution is already 1985, but never declared as such interested parties.

07 / 04 / 2014 - The ninth lesson talks about the terrorist mentality and its ability to create drone avoidance systems. During the lesson the chapter of the Al-Qaeda group terrorist manual that teaches how to evade drones and where and how the compartmentalisation system was born is explained.

04/04/2014 - The government of Mali in the late evening yesterday reported that it had registered "three suspected cases" of haemorrhagic fever. The possible infected have been placed in isolation pending the results of medical tests to detect the Ebola virus, as there is a danger of contagion since the disease has already killed 84 people in neighboring Guinea.

04 / 04 / 2014 - To protect American troops on the battlefield, scientists from the MIT (Mit) are developing a new undeformable and invisible armor that is inspired by the marine world.

02/04/2014 - L'Air Force will spend 1,9 billion dollars over the next ten years to upgrade their drones Global Hawk that will replace the U-2 from the 2016.

31/03/2014 - It is able to detect a fire on any type of ship, withstand a maximum temperature of 500 degrees and fight the flames shoulder to shoulder with the human counterpart.

31/03/2014 - Hamal 16 of the year 1393 of the Afghan solar calendar is approaching. A date that will mark the fate of an entire country, given that in our calendar it corresponds to April 5, 2014, the day set for the presidential elections in Afghanistan.

31/03/2014 - The eighth lesson is calibrated to understand how the offices responsible for media warfare move and to understand the war potential of a particular nation.

Finally, there is a part reserved for the "terrorism" phenomenon.

31 / 03 / 2014 - The Russian formations, which now seem to be a real force of invasion, are spreading in the northern and eastern parts of the Ukrainian borders.

28 / 03 / 2014 - The current Chinese conduct against the United States, would be part of a precise strategy aimed at the expulsion of the American military presence from Asia and the complete control of the seas near its shores.

25/03/2014 - Invisible, agile, powerful, with fully integrated avionics. These are some of the characteristics of the Jsf, the new fifth generation tactical fighter.

24 / 03 / 2014 - The seventh lesson teaches how to evaluate a leader's speech by breaking it down into the three main themes: primary, secondary and central or tertiary. This type of technique allows us to understand if the speech is used only to inform the people or even to form public opinion.

24 / 03 / 2014 - The technological process at the service of Defense, will produce a new weapon system that could revolutionize combat techniques.

18 / 03 / 2014 - Can history condition, with its teachings, strategy and international relations? 
This question seems to echo in the last hours at the chancelleries of half the world following the events of Crimea.

17 / 03 / 2014 - In the sixth lesson the dynamics of theagenda setting, or the opening lineup of the newscasts.

17/03/2014 - The armored-armored component of the national military instrument, since the distant October 1989, has started a path of mixed fortunes, connected to the best or worst economic situation of the moment in a succession of enthusiasm and demobilization.

17 / 03 / 2014 - The 7 March, they took off in Scramble from the Ramat David air base, F-16 hunting of the Heyl Ha'Avir, the Israeli Air Force, to intercept Syrian aircraft approaching the Golan Heights, engaged in ground interdiction actions against anti-government forces.