22/02/2015 - As everyone knows today it is not possible to conceive the armed conflict as of the Middle Ages. If in fact once the Hobbesian phrase Homo homini lupus rendered justice to a geopolitical approach that was the majority in the lands of the globe, today, with the prevcal of the brocardo ubi societas ibi jus, wars are also strictly regulated and a violation of the rules could result in very serious responsibilities on the internal and international penal level.
15/02/2015 - Behind every great idea there is always the audacity to try something new, to improve.
Behind the new Italian-French Brigade there is the desire to live the mountain to the fullest, to let its men - Alpini - collaborate and to do it in the best possible way.
11/02/2015 - The now sadly known story of the two navy riflemen prisoners in India can be very stimulating to address some issues of international law for the application of national laws. Before even examining the concept of territoriality of the waters, a key element of the story, it is necessary to deepen what, the ius gentium, mean by the term ship.
27/01/2015 - Maritime sourveillance and rescue, this is the main activity carried out by the 41 ° Stormo Antisom of the Air Force stationed in Sigonella.
On a beautiful winter morning, we take part in a flight mission lasting over 4 hours to monitor the maritime borders of our country.
22/01/2015 - The motto of any intelligence agency can be found in the famous text by Sun Tzu, Sūnzí Bīngfá, who are "know your enemy [...] the result of a hundred battles will never be in doubt». In fact, the main objective of any secret service has always been the collection and processing of strategic information in order to benefit from the adversary.
14/01/2015 - It's war. Cyber war between Isis / Al-Qaeda and the best hackers of Anonymous I went down to the front line after the Paris massacre. 500 would be the high profile programmers of the world community that identifies itself under the abbreviation of Anonymous who are hitting websites, channels or simple blogs directly or indirectly linked to terrorist organizations.
12/01/2015 - The murder of the French cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo on 7 January 2015 by three French citizens of Islamic religion has awakened the attention of the international community towards a very delicate phenomenon that is difficult to define as political-religious terrorism .
02 / 01 / 2015 - It will certainly not be as popular as "The end of history" of Fukuyama, but this reflection wants to tell the end of a story, that of ISAF. In these few lines the 12 tragic years of the battle for Afghanistan will not be traced, but the all-American clash between counterinsurgency e Counterterrorism and its epilogue of which the first symptoms occurred in Baghdad, but whose full manifestation is lived in these hours in Kabul.
23/12/2014 - What are the most powerful weapons of the modern era?
The American press, as it happens every year, has drawn up the ranking of the ten most powerful weapon systems of the modern era. Since the beginning of time man has always tried to invent ever more powerful, ever more deadly weapons.
20/12/2014 - A blood-red thread connects Saudi Arabia to Russia by Vladimir Putin, this is the price of oil, some might think of a black thread, in reality it is ruby, ruby like the blood of millions of people who die by arms, but also at the hands of an economic crisis wielded like a heavy pick on the head of unsuspecting citizens.
14 / 12 / 2014 - We would have liked to record the episode many months ago inside the Hall of Flags of the Victorian. For the authorization we were told by the Defense that in a couple of months we could have the go-ahead. After waiting four (!) We realized that the key we had touched was delicate, inconvenient and probably harmful for those who had the unfortunate idea of exposing themselves ...
09/12/2014 - The revolutionary events that took place at the end of the last century, consisting of the fall of the Soviet empire and the acquisition by the United States of the role of the only world superpower, quickly caused a radical change in the geopolitical assets and way of conceiving international relations.
09/12/2014 - New update of the Mangusta AW-129, now called "Delta".
The manufacturer is AugustaWestland, an Italian-British multinational company that designs, manufactures and builds excellent rotary wing aircraft.
06/12/2014 - Since I was little my parents have taught me that there are always two parts of a story, one told by the vanquished and the other told by the winners and in order to reconstruct an event it is necessary to listen to all the parts even if we don't like what we hear.
03/12/2014 - The chronic political instability of Pakistan, in possession of a nuclear arsenal and permeable to the presence of Qaedist and Taliban elements in the area, is a source of concern for the international community, also for the not remote possibility that the nuclear assets could be used by non-state actors.
12/11/2014 - The crisis between Russia and Ukraine that has characterized Eastern Europe for a year is one of the major factors of instability for security in Europe. Instability involving a broad spectrum of interests: energy, commercial, financial, political and security. Of particular importance are the issues related to energy security and those related to trade between Russia and the European Union which is for the actors in question a factor of no secondary importance.
08/11/2014 - To counter Isis, the peshmerga army relies on its 200.000 soldiers. The first peshmerga units were formed in the XNUMXs, at the birth of the Kurdish independence movement.
25/10/2014 - They fly low to evade opposing radar systems, trying to confuse the noise generated by the moving rotor with the wind blowing on the trees. Usually they fly in fan formation, in an offset position and on board they carry elements of the special departments.
03/10/2014 - From many quarters there are alarming news that ISIS, advancing into Syria, could seize "unconventional" material, namely nuclear, chemical or biological (NBC). News almost always read or commented on with skepticism by most readers, including some institutional bodies.
14/09/2014 - It is in these hours the umpteenth macabre act performed by the self-styled Islamic state of the east: a British co-operative was brutally beheaded and, as usual for these tragedies, news and images were literally shot on the web.