26/04/2015 - Faced with an imminent danger that puts hundreds of human lives at risk, there are no personal considerations or political positions that take: we must intervene promptly and with every available means. However, years later the crisis is daily and shows no signs of improvement.

Why are we told only about the tragedies and other aspects, even worthy ones, are not adequately disseminated?

Last year almost a quarter of the Mediterranean migrants' rescues were carried out by merchant navy ships. Let's repeat it, in the face of human life there are no interests that prevail, but if an emergency is chronic and the costs made fall on a fundamental sector for the entire national economy, some more complex assessment of what happens in the Mediterranean must be done.

After learning some "surprising" data - because in so much daily clamor about migrants they remained hidden - I decided to ask for two interviews: one with the head of the transport policy of Confitarma (Italian Shipowners' Confederation), Luca Sisto, and one with the president of the Italian Institute of Navigation, Palmira Petrocelli.

I believe that, like me, you will learn something new about our country.

Andrea Cucco