31/07/2015 - Today marks the 92nd anniversary of the establishment of the Corps of Aeronautical Engineers and the Corps of Aeronautical Commissariat.
For the occasion, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, general of air squad Pasquale Preziosa has forwarded to the staff of the respective bodies a message of good wishes during the recurrences.
To the messages of the Head of SMA were added also those of the General Inspector Capo Francesco Langella, Head of the Corps of Aeronautical Engineers, and of the General Inspector Arnaldo D'Orazio, Head of the Corps of Aeronautical Commissariat.
The Corps of Aeronautical Engineers was established on 31 July 1923 with Commission Decree N ° 1. Currently the Corps of Aeronautical Engineers is made up of the Engineers of Aeronautical Engineering and performs technical functions related to: the design, construction, preparation and armament of aeronautical materials of any kind, including the buildings of the Air Force; to the testing and maintenance of the aeronautical material and of the same buildings of the Air Force; disengages any other technical service related to the use of military aircraft and exercises technical supervision on aeronautical material of civil aviation. The Aeronautical Engineers presides over the technical and administrative functioning: of the aeronautical construction directions and of the seconded surveillance offices; the directions of the aeronautical domain of the aviation zone controls and the Air Force commands; of experimental plants and various plants.
The Aeronautical Commissariat, established by commissioner's decree n. 3 on 31 date July 1923. Currently, the functions of the Corps are established by the Military Ordinance Code, which in art. 149 so reads as follows: "The Corps of Aeronautical Commissariat: exercises directives, inspections, logistic, technical, administrative and accounting for the services of cash, provisioning, clothing and equipment, casermaggio and other ordinary materials; carries out studies, research and technical development in areas of specific interest and performs functions in legal, economic and financial matters; holds positions required by the legal systems. The Aeronautical Commissariat is responsible for the technical and administrative functioning of the aeronautical police stations, the air zone controls and the Air Force commands; of warehouses and various establishments ".
Source: General Office for Communication AM - Rome