29/07/2015 - From 20 to 24 July three T-346A aircraft supplied to the 61st Wing of Lecce-Galatina deployed at the military airport of Grosseto, headquarters of the 4th Wing. The specific objective of the week was the in-flight cooperation during missions of the ITT course (Shooting and Tactics Instructors) of the Eurofighter line, the practical phase of which began in Grosseto on June 15th, and will end in October.
The F2000 ITT line course, which is held by the 20 ° Group, marks a turning point towards further deepening and standardization of all the operational capabilities made available by the new: software, armaments and equipment of the Eurofighter weapon system through a process permanent structure.
The course saw the use of the T-346 aircraft as an "Aggressor" in dissimilar missions, with 1v1 and 2v1 profiles.
At the moment the 61 ° Stormo has finished the first part of the T-346A Phase-In: in particular it has reached theInitial Instructional Capability for the first six Instructors who took care of the whole phase of development of tactical and employment manuals, preparatory for LIFT courses (Lead In to Fighter Training). Starting next August, the students destined to combat aircraft will perform phase IV on the new Armed Force trainer. Precisely because of the delicate transition, it is even more important to encourage operational standardization between the training department and the operational departments. The capabilities and characteristics of the T-346 in fact allow us to offer the OCUs (Operational Conversion Unit, ed) a very different product from the one previously delivered.
The purpose of this activity was to grant the right an entry level requested by OCU Groups adapting training to the needs of the Storms that employ fighter fighters. In this last risk the T-346 was used in the role of Aggressor in missions and DACT scenarios (Dissimilar Air Combat Training) complexes included in the Operational Conversion Courses (CCO) intended for training Eurofighter pilots, at the same time this use has allowed to maintain and standardize the training of the instructors of the LIFT course.
The activity was carried out with different scenarios, from missions in the "visual arena" with close combat profiles, under BVR conditions (beyond visual range) with "radar to radar" interceptions.
All scenarios were preparatory for the development of tactics and for the optimal operational use of the HMS system (Helmet Mounted Sight) of the F2000, an important step in the progress of the operational capabilities expressed by the Eurofighter line, but equally important for the pilots of the 61 ° Stormo who will soon be involved in the integration and entry into service of the same system on the T346 aircraft and inside of LIFT courses. The interoperability and integration of the T-346A data link system with the F-2000 FPR system, already used and verified in the previous risk, allowed both platforms to fully operate the simulation systems (radar and POD targeting) of the T-346 in BVR missions.
Thanks to this technological combination and the performance of the T-346A aircraft, it has been possible to provide quality training by simulating different scenarios useful for ITT, CCO courses and the manuals and syllabuses of the phase IV course.
Source: 4 ° Stormo - 61 ° Stormo / c