24/07/2015 - Following today's explosion of a fireworks factory in Modugno, an Air Force Falcon 50 took off from Ciampino airport, headquarters of the 31 ° Stormo, to Bari for subsequent transport to Naples of a serious burn victim involved in the accident.

The emergency medical transport, requested by the Prefecture of Bari, was coordinated by the Situation Room of the Air Squadron Command, H24 Air Force Operations Room which has among its tasks that of organizing and managing - in coordination with prefectures, hospitals and presidency of the council of ministers - this kind of transport throughout the national territory, including islands.

Aircrew crews and transport aircraft are ready day and night to ensure, when required and deemed necessary for reasons of urgency, the medical transport of people in imminent danger of life. Every year thousands of flight times are carried out by the 31 ° Stormo of Ciampino, the 14 ° Stormo di Pratica di Mare and the 46 ^ Pisa Air Brigade, always on the front lines in case of emergency.

Source: Aeronautica Militare